Spencer and I shared breakfast with Sean, who talked about pending anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation that I wasn’t familiar with; their conversation easy. Spence wasn’t intimidated by anyone, and I admired the hell out of him for it.
I leafed through the folder Naomi had given me. The offer she’d made was generous. The salary mentioned had my eyes nearly bugging out of my head.
When we left, I shook Sean’s hand. “Thank you, Sean.” I followed Spencer out and stood behind him under the heat lamp while the valet went to get the SUV.
“Are you going to accept the job?” Spence nuzzled up behind me, kissing my neck as he slid his hands into the pockets of my coat. I rested against him, relishing in feeling his affection right out in the open.
“Not sure.”
“You okay?” Spence removed his hands from my pockets and turned me to face him, a worried grin on his handsome face.
“I’m a little overwhelmed by the offer from Naomi.” Overwhelmed was far away in my rearview mirror.
The SUV was brought around by the valet, and Spencer opened the door for me. I climbed in and he went around to slide into the driver’s seat. Spence turned to stare at me with a big smile.
“What do you think about me working there?”
Spence grinned. “Sweetheart, you should do what you feel is right. If the offer interests you but you need more, you can negotiate with her to get what you want. Clearly, they want you, Nash.”
I had to wonder if that was true, but the bigger question was would I be able to work for Naomi and not have people staring at me. “Do you think they’ll see me as a whore?”
Spencer drove us out of the entrance of the hotel and made the left onto M Street to take us back to Great Falls. He said nothing, which made my stomach roll.
When he pulled into a public parking garage in Arlington, I glanced his way. “Where are we going?”
“We’re going for cheesecake. This place has the best peppermint cheesecake. Come on.”
Clearly, the man’s brain was ruled by his stomach, so I followed him into a popular restaurant. We went to the bakery case, and we each chose a favorite slice of cheesecake, and Spence ordered an extra slice of chocolate cheesecake. Once we had the bag, we left, returning to the SUV.
“So, you’re not going to give me your opinion?”
“Oh, I have a lot of opinions, but let’s get home, okay?” Spence kissed my lips as he opened the door for me. I took the bag of cheesecake and slid into the seat.
When we arrived at the house in Great Falls, Spence drove into the garage, and we both hopped out and went inside. The house felt empty to me, but I said nothing.
Spence, however, did what he always did. “Vani!”
I saw the envelope on the counter as he stomped up the stairs. “Nash and Spence.” I picked it up and flipped the unsealed flap, pulling out the note inside.
My darlings –
I am so happy you found each other. I know you’ll be fine. Please give me a little time to get settled, and then come see me.
I’ll be staying at Warwick on 54th in Midtown. My apartment won’t be ready for a couple of weeks, but I’m starting my job after New Year’s, so I’ll be calling a four-star hotel home. I’ll be in touch about the movers’ schedule on the tenth. Of course, I still have my cell, but Spence, look for things before you call me. Nash—I wish you the best of luck with that one!
I couldn’t leave with you here because I can’t imagine waking in the morning and not having coffee with you, so I’m taking the coward’s path and leaving while you’re gone. Remember, I love you both.
Love each other. We all deserve the next steps in our lives. Make them count.
I held my breath for a moment, but I knew she was doing what Spencer couldn’t do. She was taking control of her life and striking out on her own. I admired her for it.
“Nash!” I was guessing that would be his go-to phrase now that she’d left. I understood her logic in waiting until Spencer was on solid ground with his upcoming job. I’d probably take off when he was gone, too. I would still miss her.
I climbed the steps and found Spencer sitting on her bed. The sheets were folded and laying on the end, as was the comforter. Her pillow was gone, but I understood that. Nothing like your own pillow.