“What difference does it make if I’m here? It won’t change the fact you’re leaving town, will it?” Nash’s comment hit me like a slap in the face.
My gut dropped to my feet. Vani was leaving town? Where the fuck was she going? Was Nash going with her?
“Nash, seriously, he loves you. It’s going to be an adjustment for all of us, but it’s time we untangled our lives. I’m so happy he’ll have you to count on,” Vani responded.
There was a lot packed into that comment, but there was a kernel of truth, so I stomped down the hallway and joined them in the kitchen, ready to make my declaration.
If Vani was ready to strike out on her own, I wouldn’t stop her. I loved her and only wanted the best for her. I stepped toward Nash, keeping a bit of distance between us so he knew I was serious.
“She’s not wrong, you know. I do love you.” Vani’s soft laugh made me grin.
My insides were on fire for the man, but everything had to happen in the correct order. I couldn’t bear it if either of them were tainted by my previous mistakes.
Nash seemed flustered at my honesty, so I quickly added, “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I think it’s important that all the cards are on the table. If you want to walk away, I won’t stop you.”
I then turned to my best friend. “So, Vani, where are you going, love?”
I didn’t expect Nash to take my hand and lead me to the table, pulling out a chair for me before standing behind me with his large hands—which I was dying to have wrapped around my cock—resting on my shoulders.
Vani was staring at him, and after a minute, Nash’s fingers began massaging me. My wife nodded before she sat at the table and took my hand, both of their behaviors making me nervous.
“I love you, Spence. You’ve been so amazing to me in all the years we’ve been together, and you’ll always be my best friend. I think it’s time we went our separate ways.” Her voice held the air of finality. I admired her guts to pull the trigger first.
For me, there was no need to argue, but I was curious what she expected me to say. I’d told her back in August to get in touch with Bertram Lloyd, a friend of my parents who was a top-notch divorce attorney. “Um, okay?” I responded, unsure why she was being so dramatic.
“She’s moving to New York,” Nash whispered before he kissed the top of my head.
It didn’t make sense. I turned to look at him, “How’d you know it before me?”
I saw the guilty look on Nash’s face, so I glanced at Vani. “Really? You couldn’t tell me this without backup?”
“I was worried you’d overreact to the news I was leaving, and I know you’re holding back on making plans because of me. I want you to move forward with your life as well, Spencer.”
I stood, turning to Nash. “I’m glad you’re here. Could you start the grill?” He nodded and walked out of the house without looking back.
“So, you called Nash to come here to soften the blow? Why? I love you, and I only want the best for you, Vani. I’m so sorry I can’t be what you need.” I was hurt she didn’t think I’d support her decision.
We’d been through so much over the years, and I knew I was never going to be the person she needed, but I kept trying, clearly never succeeding. The fact she didn’t feel she could talk to me without someone there for backup hurt a lot more than I wanted to admit.
Vani hugged me. “Spencer, you’ve been an incredible friend and husband. It’s not that you didn’t do everything right, dear one. We needed each other until we figured out we needed someone else.”
I took a deep breath, exhaling before I asked the question. “Did you find someone else?”
Vani stepped back, sniffling before she totally pulled away, her beautiful eyes full of tears. “Yes, I did. Spence, I found me! I’ve only ever needed me, but I’ve just figured it out for myself. You gave me the time and space to work through all my issues, and for that, I’ll always love you. You’re a wonderful man, and I think you’ve finally found what you need.” She pointed to where Nash stood on the deck trying to figure out how to light the grill.
“Right now, he’s worrying about how you’ll feel when I move, and I’m a little worried myself. We’re codependent, Spence, and it’s time for us to choose other paths. Go help him figure out the grill. He wants to make you happy. It’s beautiful.” Vani handed me the fire wand and pushed me outside.
I walked out onto the deck, not sure how I felt about the turn of events. Maybe Vanessa expected me to be much more upset, but since I’d met Nash Lincoln, he’d filled my thoughts day and night.
I sensed Vani understood it—maybe better than me. I had to learn how to adjust to her striking out on her own.
“Here. You need this.” I offered him the blue wand to light the fire.
The autoignition had stopped working the previous summer, and I should have probably had someone come out to look at the grill, but I’d been busy doing the people’s work. Now? I had nobody’s work to do but my own.
“Oh, was I doing it wrong?” Nash stepped back from the grill; his expression worried.
I exhaled. “No, sweetheart, I don’t think you could ever do anything wrong. The automatic starter broke last summer, and I didn’t get it fixed. Now, you just turn on the gas and use this thing to light the pilot.”