Page 34 of The Senator

Denver gave Mario a stern look. “You think I look like Sam Jackson? Morpheus, I’m not. So, where are you going to buy me lunch, Senator?”

“Across the street.” I pointed to the green pub with the stained-glass windows.

“Looks inviting. Shall we?” Denver responded as he headed toward the crosswalk and pressed the button for the light.

“So, uh, Mr. Wallace, how do you know the Senator?” Mario was as transparent as a pane of glass. I smirked, waiting for how Denver would answer the question.

Wallace chuckled. “He’s got the hots for someone important to me, and I’m here to save his ass.” It was concise, but not quite accurate. The fact I was probably in love with Nash wasn’t anything I was about to share with my two guests. Those words were something I needed to consider, and eventually share with the man, himself, before I put it out there for public consumption. I also had Vani’s feelings to consider. We were still married, after all.

My companions and I walked into the pub, and Erin was waiting for us with a sweet smile on her round, freckled face. “Gents, we’ve missed ye. This way.” She took us around the bar and into one of the private booth areas, standing aside so the three of us could take a seat.

She handed out menus. “Today’s entree special is shepherd’s pie. We have Welsh rarebit for the daily appetizer, and for dessert, we have an Irish cream pie. What can I bring ye to drink?”

Not surprisingly, Denver was the first to respond. “I’ll have a stout and a shot of Jameson.”

I sighed. “I’ll have a Glenlivet on the rocks, and Mario will have a Crown neat,” I ordered. Erin nodded and left the room, pulling the pocket doors closed behind her.

I turned my gaze to Denver Wallace. “So, what’s new since the last time you terrorized me?” I made a quasi-joke, while giving him the full force of my penetrating stare.

The big man didn’t even flinch, instead laughing at my futile attempt at exuding authority over him. “Does that ever work?”

I chuckled with him, and finally, Mario loosened up enough to laugh with us, seeming eager to embarrass me. “It actually does sometimes, but not often enough that it’s a trademark for him. So, please, Mr. Wallace, I’m dying to know how you and Spence know each other.”

“Little brother asked me to look into your issue. We’ve been tracking the transaction for almost a month, and I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you, Senator.” Denver stared at the two of us as the door opened and Erin popped in with our drinks.

The young woman’s timing was perfect, because I wasn’t ready to hear about one of my trusted staff members spying on me and reporting it to the press. After I took a sip of my scotch, I exhaled as the liquor made its way to my gut, loosening my nerves.

I hoped it helped me not have a shouting fit right there in the pub, especially since I’d seen several reporters sitting in the main dining room.

“Okay, I’m ready. Shoot.”

Denver nodded and pulled out a tablet from the inside pocket of his leather jacket. After pecking it a few times, he tapped on something, and when he was satisfied with what he had, he handed the device to me.

I glanced at the screen to see a bank statement dated March 1 of that year. I scrolled up to see it was for an account owned by Mitch Flora, and I noticed there were regular deposits into his account for five-thousand dollars a week, starting around the same time I’d announced my intent to run for a third term.

“Okay, uh, do we know who made the deposits?” I handed the tablet back to Denver. He flipped the cover closed and shoved it back into the pocket of his coat.

“We’re working on it. I thought maybe you’d want to deal with a traitor before you leave office. We’re tracking the deposits, but they don’t originate in the US, so that becomes a little trickier. I wanted you to know I wouldn’t do this for any other lying bastard in any office of the government. I think you’re all pieces of shit, but my good friend thinks you’re a good man, so I’ll follow through on this because of him.” Wallace didn’t beat around the bush.

I was shocked at his comments, but really, I shouldn’t have been. He was a no-nonsense kind of guy, and that, I could appreciate in any man. I didn’t like being dicked around either. Life was too short for that bullshit.

I needed to talk to Nash, and not just through text or on the phone. I wanted to see him in person because I wanted to hug him for asking his friend to help me out. My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I pulled it out to see a text from Vani.

Come home soon, please. We’re having company for dinner. I’m thawing a tenderloin for you to put on the grill.

I noticed Wallace looking at my phone and smirking at the message on the screen, likely wondering what the hell was my deal. I’d leave it to Nash to explain it if we ever got together.

Just then, the doors opened and a food runner accompanying Erin stood with a large tray outside the pocket doors. Before she could put the plate down in front of me, Denver looked at Erin and grinned. “I believe the Senator needs to leave us. Could you put his lunch into a box to go?”

Wallace shot back his Jameson’s and winked. “I believe Mario and I will eat here. Get to know each other.”

I glanced at my friend and saw his face flush before he nodded enthusiastically. I held the laugh, and I left the two of them in the private room, following Erin to the bar where she boxed up my food.

I paid the check for our lunch and gave her a healthy tip. “I’d knock before I went in there, if I were you.” I laughed as I signed the check and grabbed the bag with my lunch.

It was a surprising turn of events, and I hoped to hell Mario enjoyed himself, the lucky bastard. I was so damn horny I was about to pop.

After I arrived home, I let myself into the house through the front door. “Vani!”