Page 35 of The Senator

The idea that Mitch Flora had betrayed me—and his NDA—clung to me like cheap cologne. I needed to talk it out with Vanessa, and I desperately wanted to talk to Nash.

I hoped he would agree to meet me somewhere after Vani’s unknown dinner guests left, but I wouldn’t ask him yet. I had no idea what the evening had in store.

Vani waltzed into the kitchen where I was sorting the mail, a mischievous smile on her pretty face. I could see she was dressed casually, which was a relief. “How was your day?”

I opened the electric bill, perused the amount owed, and cursed the state, county, and local taxes included before stacking it with the rest of the bills to go into the queue for payment.

“Good. Cleaned out my desk at the office and told Tom Parks to fuck himself. How about you?” Tom had been her boss at Parks Realty located in Tyson’s Corner.

“I found my leak—it’s Mitch.” I tore up a few catalogues and some junk mail before turning to see my wife staring at me, a concerned smile taking the place of her previous happy one.

“Oh, Spence! That’s horrible. Do you think he was behind the photographer showing up in Antigua?”

Vani articulated what had been running through my mind since I’d heard the news earlier. We’d discussed the situation in depth—and to death—trying to figure out who the leaker could be. Mitch had never crossed my mind.

Why would he do that? What would Mitch have to gain by leaking my personal business? What the hell had I done to him that would push him to take the step of betraying me? How the fuck did he even find out I was gay?

Mitchell Flora had worked his way around Capitol Hill since he’d arrived in DC. He’d graduated from The Ohio State University with honors, and he had held several positions in various offices on the Hill before he came to work for me after one of my father’s former college friends from UVA recommended him when my previous communications director left me to have a baby.

Tina Hinson was a real pro at her job, and she’d asked around about Mitch, only hearing great things through the grapevine.

I’d hired Mitch based on Judge Blackwell’s recommendation—and a background check, other than what was required to confirm the security clearance he already held.

Yet again, I was a naïve dumbass who trusted people to treat me the way I always tried to treat others. How much of a fucking country bumpkin could I be?

“What are you going to do?” Vani asked as she made us drinks, pulling a third glass from the cabinet. I noticed a stack of collapsed boxes in the corner of the kitchen, leaning against the wall.

We were planning to paint the house, but I didn’t think we’d need that many boxes to pack up things to make room for painters. Eventually, we’d move somewhere else so we could sell the house, but we hadn’t discussed it in detail because everything was still a mess in both of our heads.

“I’ll call Mario tomorrow. I think he has a date tonight with Denver, Nash’s friend.”

The garage door began churning open, so I looked at Vani to see she seemed nervous. “Is that Jay?” I hoped my son had come home for an impromptu visit. I missed him.

“No. It’s Nash. I, uh, I need to talk to you, Spence, and I asked him to come out for dinner. I think we both need his support, especially now.” Vani’s clarification had me totally confused.

The back door opened as the garage door closed, and I turned to see Nash Lincoln, the beautiful man I’d missed more than my own heart. He had a bottle of wine in his hand, and his scent took up space in the room like a new kind of air.

Without thought, I walked over to him and took him in my arms, feeling him return the hug. I inhaled deeply and felt myself relaxing for the first time in days, thanking whatever circumstance that brought him to our home. It was a blessing.

I pulled away and smiled at him before the sound of a sniffle caught my attention. I stepped away from Nash and saw the happy smile on Vani’s face had returned as the tears fell down her cheeks.

Whatever was going on with her had me worried, but when Nash put his arm around my shoulder and settled his large hand on my neck, the tension in my body released. With his support, I was ready for whatever was coming my way.

I turned back to Nash and kissed the end of his nose. “How’ve you been? I’ve missed you.” Thankfully, the gorgeous man leaned forward and brushed a kiss against my lips.

“I’m here if you need me. Vani invited me for dinner.” Nash’s comment made me wonder what he knew that clearly I didn’t.

“Yes, uh, Nash, dear, let me make you a drink. What can I get for you?” Vani gave him a big smile.

“Bourbon neat.” I helped him take off his leather jacket and took it to the hallway. Before I hung it up, I took a strong sniff of it. It carried his intoxicating scent, which had my dick thickening quickly in my unforgiving slacks.

“I’m gonna run upstairs to change. I’ll be back.” I rushed up the staircase to my room, closing the door before I hurried into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face so I could calm down—and hopefully, get my dick to follow suit.

I wasn’t sure why Vani had called Nash to come over, but it must have been for a good reason. No matter what, I was fucking glad he was there. I quickly changed into jeans and a long-sleeved Henley before I slid on a pair of loafers and started for the stairs.

“Have you told him yet?” Nash’s voice carried enough that I heard him from my spot on the stairs.

I crept down to the bottom in time to hear Vanessa giggle. “No way. I was waiting for you.”