"You hit on everyone."
Jason shrugs, then smiles at me in a polite way. "Hi, I'm Jason."
"Ellie," I respond, shaking his hand.
He turns back to Marcus. "There, see? I'm just introducing myself." He pats Marcus' shoulder. "I know she's your sister. I respect that, and I wouldn't cross that line, man. You don’t have at least that much faith in me?"
Marcus finally relaxes and gives him a small smirk. "Thanks. And sorry I jumped the gun."
Jason only chuckles.
As the two men seem to be having a bonding moment, I suddenly notice Jake standing behind everyone, just outside the open doorway. He looks tired but still unbelievably hot in his work uniform. His yellow overshirt hangs open, revealing a snug black t-shirt that hugs his muscular chest. Green pants that have seen better days cling to his legs, his boots scuffed from hours on rugged terrain. I can't help but gawk as he runs a hand through his long, dark hair. My face is suddenly heated—well, my entire body is now.
How long has he been standing there watching?
His gaze is guarded as we lock eyes. No one else has noticed him yet. His eyes slip down my body. I'm wearing a simple burnt umber dress with a belt, my black boots coming up to my knees. I wouldn't describe it as anything sexy, but Jake might think differently because his eyes linger on all of my curves.
His gaze feels way more dangerous since my brother is nearby. If Marcus was freaking out about Jason trying to shake my hand, he'd have a nuclear meltdown if he realized Jake is checking me out right now.
But I'm so confused. One moment, he's snapping at me, and now he's...
Suddenly, he looks away. Maybe he finally realized what he was doing. He clears his throat and steps inside.
Marcus greets him first, clasping his hand and clapping him on the back. "Didn't expect you here so early. You guys got that fire contained on Route Six?"
Jake sighs, looking weary. "Thankfully the containment lines held so it didn't spread to any cabins. There's still a team checking for hotspots."
Anna excuses herself to find the bathroom, while the four firefighters huddle together, getting too excited about discussing work. They're using terms I don't quite understand, so I awkwardly take a step back, then another. No one seems to notice, so I fully slip away to the dessert table.
I start mindlessly adjusting things that don't need it, then I glance around. Anna has found Clara and they're talking with Lila, Asher's sister. I'm not sure when she slipped in but she looks good, healthy. Her blonde hair is tied back in a no-fuss ponytail that seems to mirror her approach to life nowadays.
I think of going over, but the three women seem lost in a conversation and I don't want to interrupt. I'll say hi to Lila later.
Taking a moment to myself, I step outside into the cool evening air, looking at a small garden patch behind the venue. Even though Cedar Ridge is my hometown, I haven't yet found my footing after coming back. I spent too many years in a different state going to college and then teaching—getting into plenty of messy relationships that didn't go anywhere. As a teenager, I couldn't wait to leave this small town, wanting to explore bigger, more exciting cities. But when I got older, I missed the closeness of this community too much, thinking I could just come back and everything would be the same.
Well, it hasn't been the same. I didn't think about how everyone here also grew up and moved on without me. They all have shared experiences and years of memories together. I'm now an outsider. I'm wondering if I shouldn't have moved back. I guess I don't have to stay once the semester is over...
I hear a chorus of, "Surprise!" inside, then lots of clapping. My stomach sinks.
Oh, no...
I rush inside, hating that I missed the big moment. Everyone is greeting Asher and Olivia while I'm just off to the side feeling like I don't belong. Squaring my shoulders, I step forward and smile, trying to look like I've been here the entire time.
"Wow," Olivia breathes out, her gaze sweeping over the friends gathered for them.
Asher only frowns, glancing at Marcus. "You know I don't like surprises."
Olivia rolls her eyes and then hugs his side. Asher's usual brooding expression melts away as Olivia drapes her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek. "Surprises are good," she says. "That's how we got Mary."
The big guy grins and I'm shocked. He really is so different.
I hug my waist. I've missed so much. Is this even still my home?
As I'm getting too much into my head, Marcus touches my shoulder and urges me forward.
Asher gives me a smirk and a quick hug. "Good to see you," he says.
"You, too," I manage to respond, forcing myself to smile. I'm supposed to be here to celebrate this amazing couple, not feel sorry for myself. "And I'm especially happy to meet your lovely fiance who got past that gruff exterior."