Olivia wraps me in a warm hug, grinning. "Hi, you're Marcus' sister?"

I nod. "And you're the amazing woman dealing with this guy." I poke Asher's forearm and he chuckles.

Olivia glances at him with a very loving gaze. "Well, he puts up with me, too. So I guess we're even."

"Let's all stop standing by the door," Marcus calls out. "Everyone is here, so let's eat!"

The evening is a lot of fun—the BBQ catering Marcus found is delicious, the cocktails are yummy, and everyone is having a wonderful time chatting with each other. I do my best to engage even though conversations often involve inside jokes and events I don't know about. After everyone has had at least one plate of food, Frank stands up to give a heartfelt speech.

When he's done, I lift my champagne flute and clap, even as an ache blooms in my chest. I want the kind of love Olivia and Asher have too. I want a man to wake up to each morning, someone who will look at me like I'm his entire world.

I sigh, downing the rest of my champagne. As everyone falls into conversations again, I head over to the dessert table. Tonight feels like a night for a few extra drinks and a few too many cupcakes. I grab one with pink frosting and then steal yet another glance at Jake, who’s now chatting with Asher. From this distance, he appears relaxed, but his smile is still tight. He's probably just tired from a long day of work. I wouldn't know because we haven't talked at all this evening; in fact, I think he's avoiding me on purpose.

I think back to his mood change after helping me with my flat tire. His walls slammed down so fast, it left me reeling. If he's not interested, why flirt and give me heated glances? The man is so confusing.

I take a bite of my cupcake, the sweet icing melting on my tongue. Could there be something between us? Or am I grasping at straws, seeing what I want to see?

"He can't take his eyes off you, you know."

I startle as Olivia appears beside me, a knowing smile on her face. She inclines her head discretely toward Jake across the room.

"What? I haven't noticed that at all and"—I turn to face the dessert table—"and why would I care?"

Olivia grabs her own cupcake and smirks. "I thought the same thing once. You see how that turned out." She flashes her engagement ring.

Though I've never admitted anything to Danielle, I'm feeling less guarded with Olivia. Considering Asher is also a grumpy firefighter, I know she gets it. After a sigh, I lower my voice. "Even if I did like him, my brother would lose his mind. He's gotten too overprotective since Dad passed away, and I wouldn't want to ruin his friendship with Jake. The two are great friends."

Olivia nods, looking thoughtful. "I never realized Marcus was so protective, but he’d have to come around eventually, right?"

"You don't know my brother."

"Hmm, well, regardless, Jake can't take his eyes off you every time your brother is looking the other way." She leans in closer. "He's looking right now."

Not believing her, I spin around. She's right. I catch Jake's gaze, which he wasn't expecting because his eyes widen in surprise. He quickly looks away.

Instead of feeling happy, I feel irritated. I exhale. "He puts up walls, so what am I supposed to think of him glancing at me like that?"

Olivia covers her mouth to contain a laugh. "This is like deja vu. I seriously thought the same thing about Asher."

"I'm happy for you both, but I don't think it'll be the same with Jake. I don't think I want a relationship or if I'm staying here and..." I glance at her, realizing that I'm starting to ramble. "Sorry, just a lot on my mind."

She gives me a side hug. "Well, if you do decide to take that chance, just remember that sometimes people put up walls not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."

I stare at her, completely understanding how she got through to Asher—she's smart and really compassionate.

"Thanks," I say softly before she returns to the table where Clara is sitting.

I glance at Jake, catching him looking at me again. He looks away, angling his body so I can only stare at his broad back. It’s such a perfect, chiseled back…but I stop looking at it. Instead, I finish stuffing the cupcake in my mouth.

I know Olivia is right—there's a connection between me and Jake. But I'm not convinced I should explore it.

Chapter 4


I'm gathered with my coworkers around the briefing room—a sea of yellow and green uniforms. We’re at the fire station just outside of town. The scent of coffee lingers in the air, mixed with the underlying tang of smoke from past fires. Our Chief stands in front of a white board, his face etched with years of fighting flames, his gravelly voice echoing off the concrete walls.

"This is the home stretch but we can't let our guard down," he's saying. "These late summer months are often the most dangerous. You know the land is a tinderbox waiting for a spark."