"Ugh, please," I scoff, feeling so irritated I'm ready to storm away. "I don't need you playing watchdog. I can take care of myself."

We have a stare off then he finally backs up with a sigh. "Let's not argue about this tonight. Did you get all of the lights up?"

I sigh back. "Yeah."

"Well, come help me arrange the dessert table."

I follow him, trying to stare holes into the back of his head. He's always been overprotective, even when Dad was still around. Maybe it's a big brother thing but I'm a damn adult and don't need his approval for anything.

We arrange cupcakes, cake pops, and other desserts on a table in silence. My irritation starts to ease and I space out, one man in particular crossing my mind. A man I wouldn't mind seeing more of.

Without thinking, I ask, "Is Jake coming tonight?"

Marcus immediately stops what he's doing, a funny look crossing his face as he turns to me. "Why's that matter to you?"

"Oh, uh," I stammer, heat creeping into my cheeks. "Just saw Charlotte today. She showed me a painting she made in art class, and she mentioned Jake couldn't pick her up from school so she was going to a friend's house. Just curious if he had work." I clear my throat. "And I figured you'd want both your best friends here. Jake and Asher hanging out, you know."

Marcus seems to buy my excuse and he relaxes. He shrugs. "Yeah, Jake had to work late but he should be here."

I try to nod and look like I don't care, even though I suddenly have a lot of butterflies from knowing I'll see my dreamy neighbor soon. Although...I'm still trying to wrap my head around the way he snapped the other day. I'm not holding it against him because I know he's a single dad and raising a kid alone is a lot. He also has a stressful, demanding job. And he's never done that. That day was actually the first time we had such a long conversation; we normally just say hi to each other and make a comment about the weather or something.

I kind of want to ask Marcus if Jake had been stressed lately or if he's always snappy but...no, that would put Marcus on high alert.

I finish adding cupcakes to the table, my mood sinking. I really don't know much about Jake. I want to but...

"We have our first guests!" Clara calls out.

Marcus and I snap to attention, turning to face the entrance.

The doors swing open, and Chief Donovan and his wife stroll in, followed by a fit, muscular man with immaculately groomed hair. He's grinning in an attractive side-smirk way.

I lift an eyebrow and mutter to myself, "Well, hello. Who are you?"

I didn't mutter low enough because Marcus swivels his head to glare at me. "That's my work buddy, Jason. And you'll stay away from him. The guy is a flirt."

"He sounds perfect," I say, hurrying forward to cross the room. I'm not really that interested in Jason—just acknowledging that he's attractive—but I love annoying my brother since he annoys me so much.

My plan works and Marcus growls behind me, rushing to catch up. "You better be messing with me because I would never approve of you dating any of my friends. Ever."

I turn to stick my tongue out at him and he frowns. I'm feeling satisfied from teasing Marcus, but my stomach is also sinking. Jake is one of Marcus' closest friends.

When we reach our first guests, Frank's wife, Anna, gives me a quick hug, then Frank scoops me into a firm embrace. He smiles down at me, his warm eyes crinkling at the corners. The Chief's salt-and-pepper hair is neatly trimmed, a few strands rebelliously touching his collar—a hint of the man beyond the badge.

I hug him back. It's like being wrapped in a blanket of safety—a feeling I remember from when he'd visit our house after Dad passed away.

"You haven't come to visit," he says, stepping back to wrap his arm around his wife's shoulders. "You've been in town for a while."

I look down, feeling guilty. Frank was friends with my dad, so he was around a lot when I was growing up. He's the reason Marcus decided to become a firefighter. "I know," I say. "I've just been settling in. We'll get together soon for lunch."

Frank and Anna nod, and Jason takes the opening to step forward with a wide charming grin.

"Hi there. I'm—"

"Nope," Marcus cuts in quickly, putting a firm hand on Jason's shoulder so he can't step closer to me. "You don't need to talk to my sister. Why don't you go talk to Clara, who is married?"

Jason doesn't seem fazed at all by Marcus and he bursts out laughing. I start laughing too.

"Jesus, man, you're too much," Jason says, sidestepping Marcus and his glower. "I'm not going to hit on your sister."