Why couldn’t Ellie be anyone else’s sister? Why did my heart have to start falling for her?

“Thanks,” I manage to say. Then I stand. “Sorry to cut this short, but I should probably check on Charlotte. Can we catch up another time?"

"Of course, bro." Marcus stands, clasping my shoulder with a firm grip. "Family first, always."

I walk him to the door, my heart still thumping against my ribs.

Once outside, Marcus hesitates, raking a hand through his sandy hair. "Hey, you haven't seen Ellie around, have you?"

The name hits me like a blow to the chest, stealing my breath. I force my features into a mask of nonchalance. "Ellie? Nope. She doing okay after the duplex accident?”

He furrows his brow, the lines etched deeply with concern. "Yeah, I think she’s okay. She hasn't been returning my calls, and she won't tell me where she's staying. It’s unlike her."

I grunt in response. Probably best not to say too much.

His expression darkens, and he frowns. "I just hope she’s not with some asshole.” Marcus clenches his jaw. "I swear, I'll kill him."

Ellie is right about his over-protectiveness. It borders on too much. “You don’t think she’s old enough to take care of herself?”

He snorts. “Sure, she’s a big girl. But I promised Dad to always watch out for her. You don’t know some of the losers she dated in college. Just want to keep her safe.”

I cross my arms, suddenly feeling defensive. “She could be with a decent man.”

Marcus snorts again. “Still, I need to meet him and approve first.” He slaps my shoulder again and then turns to leave. “Take care of yourself, and let me know when Charlotte is feeling better so I can visit her. And you need to fill me in on this mystery woman soon.”

I don’t respond, just watching him climb into his truck and drive away. Then I close my eyes, the sick feeling in my gut growing stronger. I can't afford to lose Marcus as a friend, and I can't be responsible for fracturing Ellie's relationship with her brother. Having Ellie around, getting close to her…it’s not going to work.

I push off the doorframe, steeling myself for what I have to do next. No matter how much my heart protests, I know I have to end whatever is starting with Ellie. It's the only way to protect everyone involved, including myself.

Chapter 14


In the living room, I kneel beside Charlotte, holding her as she sobs into my chest. Her tears soak through my shirt. Every one of her sniffles is a knife to my heart.

"I don't feel good, Daddy," she whimpers, her hands clutching my forearms. “That’s why Ms. Carter should stay.”

The fib tugs at something inside me, but Marcus' words are too loud in my head—the unspoken code between best friends, which means sisters are off limits. It's a line I can't cross.

"Char, you and I both know you're not sick anymore." I try to keep my tone gentle, but it's rough around the edges, like sandpaper on raw wood. "You've been bouncing around all morning like your usual self."

She buries her face against my chest, her words muffled but insistent. "Ms. Carter helps me with my homework. I like when she makes breakfast. You don’t make good waffles." Her attempts at negotiation might be cute if they weren't so damn heartbreaking.

My mind is at war, caught between the protectiveness I feel for my little girl and the yearning that stirs every time I catch a glimpse of Ellie. But what kind of father would I be if I let those selfish wants overshadow what's best?

“You know she can’t stay. She has her own life. Work.”

The sound of wheels rolling over hardwood echoes around us. Ellie emerges with her luggage, her eyes glassy. She's trying to be strong, but her disappointment is written all over her face. It feels like I’m the bad guy here, but I’m only trying to do what’s right, what’ll protect all of our emotions.

Ellie gives me a small, sad smile before kneeling in front of Charlotte. "Hey, it's going to be okay." Ellie wraps Charlotte in a hug and my daughter clings to her like she's drowning. "I'll see you at school, alright? We can work on your homework together. I promise. I’ll set aside time every day just for you."

"No!" Charlotte wails. "It's not the same! Please don’t leave."

"Charlotte," I say, and there's a hard edge to my voice now, the one that leaves no argument because I'm her father and sometimes I have to lay down the law.

I peel Charlotte off Ellie, earning a scream of protest. Her face reddens as she swats at me and squirms, shrieking for Ellie.

Ellie steps back, one hand covering her mouth. Her eyes meet mine, a silent plea in their depths.