“I talked to your father.”
“He’s going to understand.”
“Are you sure? I mean have you looked at the news lately?”
“That was your fault! Everyone thinks I’m crazy.”
“Tell me where you are Addison, and we can talk in person.”
“So you can try to save your precious woman.” She had an evil laugh.
“Bitch! When—”
The call dropped before I could finish, and I threw it across the desk. Nasir rushed into my office.
“We got her.”
I jumped up and followed him.
“Be safe, Aydin!” Dad called out.
“I’m with you, bro,” Wesley remarked.
“Me too,” Josiah suggested.
“Stay here and keep an eye on things.” I opened the locker, removed a weapon, and picked up a vest. The rest of my men strapped up with ammo, jackets, and binoculars.
“He’s right. We need people here in case something happens while we’re gone,” Nasir said.
We jogged outside to the awaiting black vans and hopped in. I put on the earpiece and the monitor of Addison’s location.
“How many men does she have?”
“I got one on the inside and three outside. It’s an abandoned building,” Nasir stated.
“This is near downtown Memphis,” I muttered, looking at the entrance of the building with men standing guard.
“How do you want to approach?” Nasir picked my brain.
“You and I take the back, and Nicco takes the front with his team.”
“Make sure you avoid shooting anyone, unless it’s necessary.”
“Until we have eyes on Amelia, we can’t go in guns blazing.”
“I hear you,” Nicco answered.
“How did you trace her?”
“Nicco was able to tap into our phone line, and it pinged off the tower and matched the last digits of the number.”
“She was calling from a bogus number.”
“Not too bright, but we cut the ten numbers down and located where it’s from.”
“Save her for me,” I demanded, as thoughts of how she had been treating Amelia filled my head.
“Here’s another little surprise that went out.” Nasir scrolled through the monitor and showed me a news report of Addison.