Page 81 of Aydin

“No one can save you.”

“He’s going to come for you.”

“Then it means your family won’t just lose you.” Addison shifted and started to leave the room.

“Addison! Addison! Don’t do this.”

She stopped at the door with her back to me.

“It’s already been done.”


Day before kidnapping.

We’d been in Chicago going through our list of contacts to find anything we could on Addison and Tristan. Our last visual was of them at a meeting with some investors at a hotel. We tracked down the list of companies she had dealings with after her father told us she wasn’t answering his calls.

“Mr. Callahan, you donated up to ten thousand dollars, plus another fifty thousand into an account offshore,” I read off from the form in front of me. At Callahan Investments, we faked like we had an appointment as potential customers to get a one-on-one.

“I’m not sure who you think you’re dealing with, but you need to leave.”

“Addison Chatsworth has been funneling money from her campaign for herself.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

He stood in front of his desk.

“You’ve been spotted going into Lux Hotel here in Chicago for quite some time and leaving a few minutes after her.”

“My private life is none of your business.”

“Correct, but when a senator is running for election and tries to have someone close to me killed, that becomes a problem for me.”

“Whatever you have with Addison is your business.”

“No see, that’s where you’re wrong.”

I stared him in the eye.

“Addison and I have done work in the past.”

“Do you think it’s wise to lie to me?”

He peered from Nasir to me.

“She’s a potential client, that’s all.”

“As the owner of a security firm, I make it my business to know potential threats, and you, sir, are becoming a threat I need to contain.” I went around the desk and gripped him by the collar of his jacket.

“Ah!! Get your hands off me.”

“What do you know about Addison Chatsworth?”

“Nothing! I’ve only invested with her from time to time.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Her father connected us.”