Pop! Pop!
Nasir swerved to avoid hitting another car as shots rang by and almost killed us.
“Fuck! She made us.” I groaned, reaching in the glove compartment for my weapon.
Addison’s car turned sharply, and Nasir hit the gas to speed up before we lost them.
“You hit!” I shouted.
“No, I’m good. You?”
“Good.” I looked in the side mirror and saw a white van speed up.
“Stay on her.”
“We left the guys to keep an eye on her father’s place.” Nasir reminded me. I pulled out my phone and called.
“Boss, nothing happening here.” Reggie answered the phone.
“Reggie we’re in the middle of a chase, and gunshots were fired.” I slid my window down and returned fire.
Pop! Pop Pop!
“Keep your phone on; it will track you,” Reggie said. I dropped it on my lap and waited for Nasir to turn again at the next light, then I shot back. Addison’s limo hopped on the freeway, and a red Honda swerved in in front of us, and we missed our turn.
“Damn it!” Nasir shouted and got off to the side street. I looked back, and the van was gone. My head leaned back, and I closed my eyes to control my breathing.
“Next time, we’ll be ready,” Nasir said.
“Let’s get to the hotel.”
Two hours later, I was out of the shower, changed, and sat with the team to read over the printed files Carly had uploaded.
“Look at this… twenty thousand from a party thrown by the president of some investment firm.” Nasir pushed the papers in my hand.
“Call your contacts.”
“Hold up, this is Nicco,” I said.
“It’s pretty late in Tennessee right now,” Nasir mentioned, and that had my attention.
“We have a big problem,” Nicco said.
“What’s wrong?” My heart started to beat fast that something happened to Amelia.
“I’m at a gas station because Amelia called the police for help and they hit me up. Someone shot at her.”
I jumped up and paced back and forth.
“Who was it?”
“We don’t know, but Rory’s dead.”
“Shit,” I cursed under my breath.
“Her car broke down, and I guess when Rory tried to check, he was shot.”