“How can you misunderstand getting fired, Dani?”
“Did you say something to him? I remember things looked intense at the bar yesterday.”
“No, I mean it mostly was about why he’s been so cold toward me.”
“That couldn’t have pushed him to fire you though.”
I dropped the tissue in the trash, checked my makeup in the mirror, and listened to Dani ramble about how I should go back and beg for my job back.
“I’m about to go home and sleep this night away.”
“Well, is everything going well with David?”
“Things are fine, but he’s not my type.”
“Give it time, Amelia. You always drop a guy fast without giving them a chance.”
“We’ll see.” I ended the call, dropped the phone in my purse, and walked down the hall toward the ballroom. Then I heard a loud slap.
“Get your shit together! What am I paying you for?” I overheard a familiar voice.
I looked behind me and then forward to see if anyone was coming, leaning in closer to the closed door.
“You paid me to do a job. I’m not killing anyone,” a deep voice replied.
“Unless I get this position, you won’t see the light of day in jail.”
“The numbers can’t be faked, Addison!” he shouted.
I gasped, ran away from the hallway, and bumped into a hard chest.
“Sorry.” I stepped out of his hold and headed through the crowd. I looked back, and his eyes narrowed on me while I focused on picking up my jacket. Then David approached me at the door.
“Hey, you all right?” David helped me into my coat.
“I’m not feeling well.”
“Let me grab my ticket for my car.”
“I’m sorry for bailing on you.” We left the ballroom, our hands locked together, and headed toward the front entrance of the hotel.
“Do you want to get something to eat? Maybe I can save this date.” He nudged his shoulder into mine. The car arrived, and the valet passed him the keys and opened the door to let me climb in. David felt more like a friend. Even though Dani and his friend were dating, it didn’t mean we’d be a match. This being the second date put in perspective after he mostly talked about his past dating experiences and the type of woman he wanted for marriage. This was my time to get back on my feet, and marriage was a long way from being a priority for me. After we arrived home, David walked me to my apartment, and I hugged him good night and slid my key in the door.
“This is insane,” I muttered.
The next day, I stormed into the office and walked up to Nasir’s door without an announcement.
“Nasir, I need to talk to you,” I blurted out and quickly regretted the intrusion when I saw he had a girl sitting in his lap. I covered my eyes and turned to walk out of the office. “I’m so sorry,” I apologized, treading to the door.
He chuckled.
“You’re fine, Amelia. We’re decent. What’s going on?”
“Are you sure? I can come back.” I paused for a breath.
“I thought we were having breakfast together.” Her nose took a scornful tilt.
“Not this time. I’ll call you about dinner.” Nasir kissed her on the cheek, and she rolled her eyes and snarled at me while walking out.