Page 103 of Aydin

“Is it working?”

“Just your presence turns me on, baby.”

I smashed my lips against her mouth and rubbed a hand up her back. She groaned in my hold, and we made out for the rest of the lunch hour. The day she stumbled across my path was the day I became alive. When everything was against us, we prevailed, and I couldn’t wait to see how things would be in a few years.



Two years later.

The building housed the latest equipment with our logo up high on the top, while more staff brought in furniture that I had ordered. TN Security had four locations now, and I was busier than ever and enjoyed what I did for a living. I couldn’t wait to branch off even more. I heard giggling from my office and went to see what the commotion was about. I saw my mom and Amelia in a huddle together. She’d been doing better mentally and physically since Edgar tried once again to disturb our peace and got her arrested. He’d doctored up a whole story, and the police went along with his word, and she spent a few weeks behind bars. When it came to Amelia, I lost all sense and barged in his office to kill him. Thankfully, Nasir was with me and pulled me off him. The files were sent to the FBI, and he was brought up on charges and arrested and was now sitting in prison awaiting trial.

“Shouldn’t you two be working?”

I stalked over and kissed my mom on her cheek, then Amelia on the lips.

“She reminded me that I should get you one of those picture frames with all your brothers.”

“I like my office, Mom. I’d rather not destroy it with your sons.”

“All of my boys are handsome.” Mom pinched my cheek.

“Yeah, Aydin, your brothers are cute,” Amelia teased, and I glared.

“Why are you looking at them?”

“Someone sounds jealous.” Amelia bit her bottom lip.

“He’s like his father but never wants to admit it though.”

“Dad gets jealous over you?”

“When does he not?” She motioned her hand in the air.

“I’ve noticed that with all the Reeve men.” Amelia wrapped another picture of us together in Jamaica.

“The only man you need to worry about is me.” I grabbed her around the waist.

“No funny business, Aydin.” Amelia wiggled out of my arms.

“Mom understands,” I joked.

“Yeah, that’s why I have three boys,” she answered, and I pretended to gag.

“I don’t need that visual in my head.”

“So, you have a Tennessee office, New York, Chicago, and now California. What’s next for you?”

Mom inquired, removing the empty box from my desk.

“Another vacation.”

“You’re going to be too busy to vacation,” Amelia commented.

“Amelia, how is your business going?” Mom asked.

“Great. I have five clients now.” Amelia plugged in the phone.