Page 66 of Aydin

“Yep. Molly ordered us barbecue sandwiches from Tops.”

“Where did you and Nasir go?” Molly questioned.

“A lead.” I kept it vague, as not to worry them.

“You found out who sent the flowers?”

I palmed her hand.

“The guy you accidentally bumped into the night of the party was the same man..”

“Wait. You mean it wasn’t an accident when we met,” Amelia clarified.

“For now, it looks like he works with Addison.”

“We’ll never be rid of her.”

“Yes, you will.”

“Aydin, I shouldn’t have brought my problems your way.”

“You didn’t.”

“But I did,” she whined.

“Amelia, even if you didn’t overhear, someone else might have,” Molly told me, and I agreed.

“Just crazy to me how she’s stayed one step ahead.” Amelia reached to grab my hand.

“Edgar’s gotten his hands dirty.”

“The senator.” Amelia’s shocked expression covered her face.

“At the moment, I can’t say he’s working with his daughter, but we know he’s not innocent at all.”

“Maybe time to pull in the FBI, Aydin.”

“I will, but not yet. To go up against him, I need to verify each document.”

Amelia looked off.



“Stop worrying.”

“I know.”

“Good, I’m here.”

We both leaned into a kiss, and I promised we’d leave here in a few minutes after my meeting to get dinner. Once I walked out of her office, I went to the conference room and saw the guys sitting around the table.

Nasir filled everyone in on what we found.

“How do you want us to handle him?” Nicco asked.

As I stood at the front of the conference table, I looked around at my team and thought of the sacrifices we’d made for our country, and to have people like Edgar and Addison betray, lie, and kill people for political gain. It caused my stomach to drop in defeat.