“I’m saving you.” I cackled on the phone.
“So, what happened with your boss?”
“He apologized, and I came back to my office to do some work.”
“That’s it?” she challenged me. I didn’t make it my business to try to understand Aydin, but everyone else at my job was cool, and I was able to get back on my feet already and get my living situation squared away.
“What are you calling me for, Dani?” Normally, she’d be deep into work and not answering her phone, but something changed. I was the one she chose to bug during the middle of the day.
“I called to see if you wanted to have lunch today.”
Dani worked as a manager of a jewelry store not too far from me, and she’d been there for six years. Recently, they wanted to promote her to regional manager, but she hadn’t decided because that would mean more responsibility and less time for her dating life.
“Not today. I have too much to catch up on.” She would want to have lunch. Then shopping, and I had a schedule compared to her being a manager.
“Boring. Well, call me later if you’re free.”
She ended the call, and I went back into my reports on Addison. Most of the checks came from the same bank except one showed Bank of Chicago. I ran through the other paperwork and noticed everything was filed with one of the accountants at the office named Tristan.
“Tristan,” I muttered and rose out of my seat to speak with him. By the end of the day, I wanted to have enough information to bring to Nasir, and he could decide if Aydin should know what was going on with the Chatsworths’ organization. As I walked down the hallway, I heard laughter from Nicco’s office and waved at him and Nasir. After I made it to the elevator, I pushed the button for the sixth floor for the accounting department and recounted in my head how I would approach Tristan. People didn’t like to be accused of anything, and I knew I’d freak out and be ready to fight. The doors came open. I waved at some of the staff, and I looked at each door to find Tristan’s name. The door was closed. I tapped lightly on the door when it was opened suddenly, and Addison came out.
“Funny we meet again so soon.” Addison pulled her jacket up on her shoulder, as a man came up behind her, and I assumed he was Tristan.
“Addison, you were leaving,” he said, and I felt a chill go down my back. The deep, raspy voice was familiar.
“Tristan, call me later. Amelia, we’ll talk soon.” Addison headed to the elevator.
“Amelia, did you need something?” Tristan questioned.
“No, sorry. I had the wrong door.”
“Are you sure?”
I held my hands up and motioned him off.
“Positive, I had the wrong office. Still trying to learn my way around here,” I joked and went back to the elevator. I hit the button, looked over my shoulder, and saw him stare at me. I waved when the doors opened and went back to my office. I jumped on my computer and typed in Addison’s website. I located her staff and the address of her Chicago and Tennessee locations. I picked up my phone and dialed the number on the website.
“Offices of Addison Chatsworth.”
I cleared my throat.
“Hello, I’m from…”
“Yes, sorry, I’m from Channel Seven News, Kelly Rose.”
“How can we help you?”
“Our station was impressed with Miss Chatsworth’s recent campaign event.”
“Happy to hear that. Love when we make an impact.”
“I’d hoped to get more information on Addison’s campaign pledge total.”
“We reported all of our numbers.”
“Interesting, I’m a huge fan of Addison Chatsworth and wanted to make a pledge.”