Page 90 of Refuel

“We don’t want to see you two making out. Take that somewhere else,” Malik joked.

“Sorry, what are you doing here, Emery?” Jackson asked, clearing his throat while keeping his arm around her waist.

“I wanted to take you to lunch if you’re not busy,” Emery said.

Jackson checked his watch then lifted his eyes to Malik and me.

“I’m good,” I said.

“Me too. You two crazy kids go ahead,” Malik said.

They chuckled as Malik and I walked out of his office.

“Where are you headed now?” Malik wondered, hitting the button for the elevator.

“To hang with my fiancé,” I teased, showing off my ring.

“I am happy for you, sis. I only want the best for you,” Malik told me.

“I know, and I want the best for you as well, so stop playing around and settle down,” I told him, pointing my finger at his chest.

“Don’t put that voodoo on me. I’m good being single,” Malik replied.

The elevator doors opened, and I stepped off, rubbing my small belly. I waved bye to Malik as the doors closed.

“Hey, baby,” I said, answering the call through my Bluetooth speaker.

“What are you doing?” Kash asked.

“Driving home,” I said.

“Good, we can talk then?” Kamden said.

“What’s up?” I replied.

“I’ll tell you when you get here,” Kamden said.

I turned off the freeway, pushing the gas a little more. My gut told me something was wrong and if Kash was in trouble, I would curse him out first and then call the lawyer. It didn’t take too long for me to get on our street and hit the gate to drive inside and park. I shut the car off and stepped out. I put my key in the front door and heard it chirp as I called out Kash’s name.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“In the kitchen,” Kamden said.

I turned the corner and spotted Kamden at the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. I put my purse on top of the counter and walked over to wrap my arms around his waist.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” I said.

He grinned and kissed me on the tip of my nose.

“Sarai called and said the Daily Morning Show wants to do an interview with us,” Kamden said.

I lifted my right eyebrow. “Why?”

“With the crash and our whirlwind romance, they wanted to get an exclusive interview. Sarai told them no, but they emailed again once they heard about our engagement,” Kamden said.

“Nope. They’ve been more than vile with their reporting. I’d rather not.”

“That’s fine. She has an interview request with a sports magazine too,” Kamden stated.