Page 91 of Refuel

“That could be fun.”

“I missed you today.”

“Show me how much,” I taunted, stepping out of his embrace and sashaying out of the kitchen. He followed and smacked me on the ass, I giggled and tried to get out of his hold as we kissed in the hallway, ripping each other’s clothes off. Kamden picked me up bridal style and walked me to the living room and laid me down. We made love in every room of the house for the rest of the day.



A month later

“Jonathan, can you add a little more lip gloss to Arianna?” Sarai asked. After declining the interview with the Daily Morning Show, we agreed to a photoshoot and an interview about our relationship and careers. I was standing in front of Kash wearing only a thong with my breasts covered by Kash’s arm. At first, he wasn’t going for it, but after a little convincing with me agreeing to a quickie in the dressing room, he was fine with it as long as it came out tasteful, and we had full control of the final shots

“You look great, guys,” Sarai said.

“She looks beautiful; I’m just here dressed,” Kamden joked.

“Ohh, poor baby,” I teased.

“Kamden, look down at Arianna with one arm on her stomach and the other covering her breasts,” the photographer called out as Jonathan finished putting a coat of clear lip gloss on my lips.

“Arianna, keep your head forward,” the photographer instructed, snapping another shot. He then walked up a little closer for the next shot.

“Okay, we can take a thirty minute break so you can do the interview and eat,” the Sports Racer reporter announced.

“That works,” Sarai stated.

“You two can take a seat over there,” the reporter said, pointing near the chairs under the lights. They had us at Milk Studios in Los Angeles. They were well known for film, TV, and magazine shoots.

“Thanks again for meeting with us, Arianna. We already spoke with Sarai and understand certain things will be off limits,” Chanelle said, turning the recorder on.

Kamden helped me over to the chair to sit.

“I missed you today,” Kamden told me.

He gripped my chin, pecked my lips twice, and I wiped the lipstick off his lips.

“I missed you too, Kash,” I teased, calling him by his nickname. Chanelle sat across from us and smiled, pointing the recorder closer to us on the table. An assistant brought over two cups of water.

“Thank you,” I said.

“So, let’s start from the beginning. How did you two meet?” Chanelle asked.

Kamden and I peered at each other and grinned.

“Do you want the Vegas story or the story of us dating officially?” I inquired.

“I heard the Vegas story was a one-night stand. Is that true?” Chanelle questioned.

“It was,” I answered.

“Did you expect to end up together after a one-night stand?” Chanelle questioned.

“I didn’t like him at first; he was too cocky for me. Besides, I’m a little cocky, so two strong personalities coming together wasn’t my ideal mate,” I said, grasping Kamden’s hand.

“This wasn’t the typical romance I take it?” Chanelle questioned.

“It wasn’t, but I’m happy to have her in my life,” Kamden told her.