Maddie still wasn’t sure who was the target. She or Josh. But either way, someone was playing a deadly game.
A woman’s voice sounded nearby.
Darla, she realized.
Maddie had to get out of here.
Quickly, Maddie closed the email program and stood.
But she was trapped. There was only the one exit—the one Darla was headed toward.
She had nowhere to go.
She could cut through the plants, but slick rocks lay on the other side and a cascading manmade waterfall beyond that.
Maddie pictured herself tumbling down it and really making a scene.
She couldn’t risk it.
But she couldn’t just stand here either.
Darla’s voice got closer and closer.
If Maddie suddenly darted away, Darla would see her. Would know she’d been up to something.
“Darla?” a new voice called.
Darla paused.
Why was that other voice so familiar?
Then Maddie realized it was Adrienne. What was Adrienne doing here talking to Darla?
Maddie peered around the corner and saw the two women talking. They paced away from the area.
This just might be Maddie’s only opportunity to get away.
Remaining close to a wall, she slunk away from the lounge chair.
Darla’s back remained toward Maddie as she slipped back into the lobby.
But Adrienne’s gaze grazed her.
Adrienne had known Maddie was there, hadn’t she? She’d called Darla as a distraction.
Relief filled Maddie. She was more thankful than ever for her new friend. Adrienne had really gone out on a limb for her.
Maddie paced back to the lobby, lingering near the atrium area as she waited to see if Adrienne would come back this way.
A few minutes later, her friend appeared.