Page 136 of Vacation Friends

Was he behind all of this?




Lies, Cecilia realized. There had been so many lies.

Had anything Garrick told her been the truth? It didn’t seem like it.

A month had passed.

A month without Garrick.

A month since Cecilia had told him about the pregnancy.

A month since he’d accused her of stalking him and being a rejected escort.

A month since he’d completely shut her out of his life.

Well, maybe not completely.

She’d found ways to gather information. She’d watched Garrick. Maybe even followed him a few times.

He was indeed engaged to a beautiful woman who looked like everything that could be expected of someone who was going to marry the CEO of a company.

Everything Cecilia hadn’t been able to be for him.

She’d finally gone to the doctor and found out she was four months along.

She could already feel the baby bump growing, and she couldn’t wait to feel the first flutters of life.

But she still had no idea how she would make ends meet.

Panic wanted to seize her every time she thought about it.

A single mom in New York City. It just wasn’t going to work. There was no way she could make ends meet.

Now she knew with certainty that Garrick would continue ignoring her calls. Ignoring her. Shutting her out of his life.

Her heart ached at the thought of it. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to be.

But she needed to accept it.

She could track Garrick down and demand something from him. But she had no money for that. In all honesty, she didn’t have the emotional bandwidth for it either.

He clearly wanted to continue on with his life and pretend like his little rendezvous with her didn’t exist.

That woman Cecilia had heard him talking to in the bathroom that time? Probably his fiancée.

The woman she’d seen with him in his office? She wasn’t his fiancée.

Which probably meant that Garrick had done this with other women also.

He was a pig disguised as Prince Charming.

What a total jerk.