Page 135 of Vacation Friends

Maddie wasn’t sure, so she started up a sandy path through some trees until she reached a rocky area closer to the water. The cliffs waited up ahead.

Maybe if she walked closer to the edge she could spot someone. However, she also needed to stay far enough from the drop-off that she wouldn’t be taken by surprise.

She was so out of her element right now. Yes, she had taken a life before. But she’d vowed to never do it again.

However, if push came to shove . . . she couldn’t turn a blind eye to an innocent person being harmed.

She paused and cupped her hands around her mouth before calling, “Hello?”

No answer.

Swallowing hard, she kept moving. The sun finally sank on the horizon, leaving the area bathed in a grayish, pinkish haze. Soon, it would be inky dark.

These cliffs would even be more dangerous.

As Maddie climbed over several large rocks, she came to a new area.

Someone knelt on the ground ahead of her.

A woman with her hands bound behind her.

The breath left Maddie’s lungs. “Adrienne!”

She glanced around and saw no one else.

This might be her chance.

Maddie rushed toward her.

It seemed too easy that she might be able to untie her friend. That the two of them might get away. That no one was here to stop them.

Where was Adrienne’s captor?

Maddie would figure that out later. She needed to act now while no one was close.

Frantically, she untied the gag around Adrienne’s mouth. Finally, it loosened enough to slide down to her neck.

Adrienne gasped in several shallow breaths. “You found me.”

“Are you okay?”

“I am now.” Her words came out raspy with anxiety. “You’ve got to get me out of here.”

“Let me get your hands and feet free.”

Maddie worked the knots at Adrienne’s wrists until finally they loosened. Then they both began to work on the ties at her feet.

When Adrienne was free, Maddie helped her to her feet.

“Who did this to you?” Maddie asked as she began to pull her toward the brush, away from the cliffs toward some cover.

“You’ll never believe it. It was?—”

“Madison! I don’t know where you think you’re going.”

She froze. She would recognize that voice anywhere.

It was Josh.