He doubled down his efforts, the need to make her come overwhelming. The muscles of her thighs jerked and he lifted his eyes to her face, wanting to watch every expression as she came. But Janie didn't just lay there and take what he gave her. She pushed up on one elbow, her other hand still gripped in his hair, gaze locked on to where his mouth met her body. Watching with parted lips, her hips bucked, a low, ragged moan filling the air as her fingers tightened against his scalp.

She held him in place, both with her hand and with her stare, as her orgasm dragged out. When it was done, she fell back against the mattress, knees falling open, one arm slung across her eyes. "That was..."

"Not all." Taking advantage of her need for a break, Devon stood at the foot of the bed, shucking the rest of his clothes before retrieving the condom he brought just in case and crawling over her. He nosed along her neck. “Unless you want it to be.”

Janie’s lips curved, her expression soft and sweet. “You set a pretty high precedent. You sure you want to try to follow that up?”

“Positive.” He didn’t hesitate.

Her dark brows lifted. “Someone’s confident in themselves.”

Devon shook his head. “I’m confident in us. That’s different.” Sex wasn’t just one person performing for another. It wasn’t a one-sided sort of thing.

Shouldn’t be anyway.

“Your confidence in my half of the equation is wrong, because so far I’ve just laid here.” Janie’s hands skimmed down his chest, their destination clear.

He caught them before she could get past his waist. “And that’s all you’re going to be doing this round.” He lifted her fingers to his lips, nipping the tip of her pointer. “It’s been a while, and I’d like to make it through the night with my pride intact.”

“Full disclosure,” Janie wiggled, fighting his grip, “that makes me want to behave even less.”

“Shocker.” He tightened his hold on her just in case, bringing both arms over her head. “Janie wants to be a pain in the ass. Never saw that one coming.”

The sound of her laugh filled the room, changing the moment into something new. Something so much more than he could have planned or hoped for. Something that wasn’t just about need or desire or sex.

It was about connection. Real and raw and true.

“I have kind of lost the element of surprise with you, haven’t I?” She continued squirming, her body brushing his, and he gritted his teeth against this new side of her. This new side of intimacy.

He came here with a goal in mind. Focused. Determined. Ready to do whatever it took to show her what he wanted her to see. Instead he was the one having his eyes opened.

Devon traced her lips with his. “You are full of surprises, J.” Keeping her wrists in place with one hand, he collected the condom with the other, bringing it to his mouth so he could pinch one corner with his teeth, carefully tearing it open.

It wasn’t the preferred method, but desperate times.

Sliding the rubber free, he let the foil fall and went to work sliding the protective layer into place.

“I can’t get pregnant.” Janie’s hushed words lifted his eyes to her face. “Just so you know.” Sadness lined the explanation and flooded her expression.

A little of the fire licking through his veins cooled. Releasing her hands he traced along her cheek, leaning close. “I’m sorry.”

Janie lifted one shoulder in a small shrug, her freed hands sliding over his chest. “It is what it is, right?” Her lips twisted into a wry smile. “It’s not like I had anyone banging down my door to knock me up.” Her expression fell even more. “And it’s not like I could have done it on my own.”

Devon rested his forehead to hers, hand curved along the side of her head. “I don’t believe that for a second. You are the most stubborn, determined woman I’ve ever met. You make shit happen, J. You would have made that happen too.”

Janie’s eyes searched his face, brows tipped up in the middle. “You think?”

He smiled. “I know.”

She blinked a few times, eyes soft. Then she leaned up, hooking one arm around his neck, dragging his mouth to hers. Her legs wrapped around his back, pulling his hips into the cradle of her thighs, the hard line of his cock sliding against her slick slit.

Her nails scratched at his skin. Her teeth raked his lip. Her heels dug into his ass, urging him closer.

Again, the mood turned on a dime, and all he could do was ride the wave, just like he’d promised to do.

Shifting to make room between their bodies, he angled his hips, notching the head of his dick into place, then slowly pressed, sinking into her heat at a painfully slow pace. He was about three quarters of the way in when she sucked in a sharp breath, body stiffening. He went still, stopping in his tracks. “J?”

“It’s fine.” Her voice was tight. Strained.