“No.” He waited for her to look at him. “It’s not fine. What’s wrong?”

“I just…” She looked everywhere but at his face. “I’m a little tender down there right now since my period starts tomorrow.”

He looked down at where their bodies were joined. “I have an idea.” He angled one brow in question. “You want to try it?”

Janie pressed her lips together and gave him a quick nod.

Shifting around, he unhooked her legs from around his waist, bringing them flat to the mattress before tucking them between his, locking them tight together with his knees. In this position, he couldn’t come close to bottoming out since the V of her thighs was in his way, making it much less likely he’d get deep enough to cause her discomfort.

His next thrust was slow. He watched her face as his front flattened against hers, his entry stopped short by her pelvis. He was still squeezed tight all the way to the root thanks to the press of her thighs, and it nearly had his eyes rolling back in his head.

He blinked a few times, finding his focus and putting it on Janie. There was no sign of pain on her face so he stroked into her again. This time Janie’s eyes widened, her lips circling on a surprised sounding, “Oh.”

“That a good, oh?” He pressed into her again, watching as his sheathed dick slid free before sinking back in.

“A very good, oh.” Janie’s fingers dug into his biceps, nails pinching his skin as he moved a little faster. “Don’t stop.”

He couldn’t feel how wet she was, but he could hear it, and the sound was driving him fucking crazy. Pushing him closer and closer to spilling.

But he wasn’t going alone.

Bringing one hand to tease a nipple, he changed his angle, dragging the length of his cock along her clit with each thrust.

“Holy shit, Devon.” Janie’s body jerked beneath his, twitching each time he passed across the tiny collection of nerve endings he was counting on to help her get where he wanted her to go. “I’m going to come again.”

He’d have to warn her about saying shit like that, because the words had barely cleared her lips before his balls were pulling tight, egged on by knowing she was about to milk the cum right out of him.

Luckily Janie was right behind him, wailing as he groaned, her orgasm and the flex of her pussy amplifying his own climax until he was sure he might black out.

Lose both his hearing and his sight.

To be fair, he’d lost just about everything else to the woman under him. What were a couple more things?



"WHY DOES YOUR face look so weird?" Mariah tipped her head, eyes squinting as Janie pulled on the chef's jacket she wore while working at The Inn. "Did you get Botox?"

Janie snorted, buttoning up the front of the double-breasted white coat. "Yeah. Because I have so much extra money to throw around."

Mariah winced. “Sorry.”

As one of the closest friends she'd ever had, Janie had told Maria all kinds of things she'd never shared with anyone else. She knew about her money struggles. Her man struggles. Her period issues.

Well... She hadn't shared those things with anyone else until Devon managed to worm his way under her cold, hard shell.

And also her panties.

Mariah gasped, pointing at her. "You just smiled. That's why your face looks funny. You don't look like you want to stab someone."

Was that really how she looked in the morning? Grumpy, sure. But stabby?

"I had extra coffee this morning." She went to the sink to wash up, scrubbing her forearms and hands before drying off and reaching for a pair of the disposable gloves they wore when prepping. "But if you keep giving me shit, all the caffeine in the world won't keep me from looking like I want to stab somebody again."

Coffee was not the most likely culprit behind her improved morning mood, but that wasn't information she was ready to unload on her friend. Not yet. What happened between her and Devon the night before still felt too fresh. Too new. Too raw.

And it felt private. Which was weird. She and Mariah had shared plenty about their sexual conquests, but last night wasn’t a conquest. And if she thought about it too hard, she’d start to panic over what it actually was.