At first, I didn’t think much of it. I figured it was natural she’d want to know. So, I told her everything. Rachel and I had met at a bar one night. She was there with friends, and so was I. In fact, Jacob was there that night and it was he who had pointed her out.
I’d joked about her not being his type and he’d laughed it off and went back to drinking his beer and talking to another one of our friends. I’d gone over and introduced myself to her and her friends and we’d hit it off, talking about our budding careers in finance.
Why was I remembering that night so vividly? Anyway, one thing led to another, and we exchanged numbers and let’s just say we were together from then until our divorce. We’d done everything together in our mid-twenties. Traveled together and with each other’s families spent holidays together, all before tying the knot three years later.
She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with. Not that I mentioned that to Wendy. Our first few years of wedded bliss were just that. But then she got pregnant. Something we both wanted and worked to make possible.
But it started falling apart from the beginning. She was always too tired for sex or anything else. Then she was sick all the time, and then after Kevin was born, she seemed to only care about him, putting me on the back burner.
I started to feel left out and unappreciated, and that’s when I met Wendy. It never entered my mind that I’d ever cheat. I didn’t realize that I was unhappy until I started talking to Wendy, which soon led to flirting, which turned into texting, and then that first kiss.
I remember we’d been on a business trip out of town and had stayed at the hotel bar a little later than usual that second to last night. We’d finished up way earlier than expected and had a whole free day, so we were tying one on before heading up to our respective rooms.
And then she kissed me out of the blue. I could’ve stopped her, not gonna lie, because I saw it coming; in fact, if I’m being honest, I kind of wanted it to happen that night. But that first kiss was electrifying.
One kiss became two, and then another and another, and before you knew it, we were in her room, and I was balls-deep in a woman for the first time in way too long.
The sex was hot. Like off the Richter scale scorching hot. The passion, the chemistry it was all there. We stayed in that room all night and all the next day. When I finally came up for air, the guilt was crushing. I felt ashamed.
I just knew that as soon as I walked through the door, Rachel would notice, but she hadn’t. She’d been too busy looking after the kid, though she remembered to kiss me hello and ask me about my trip.
That night, when she came to be, we made love and it was the best it had been in a long while. For the next few weeks, I tried to stay true to my marriage, but Wendy would always find a way to get me to want her.
I even went so far after our third or fourth time together to call it off, and she’d agreed without a fight. But she never stopped flirting or making herself available and I caved time and time again.
She wanted me to leave my wife and child, but I wasn’t ready for that. I hadn’t planned that far ahead. And then Rachel turned up pregnant, and Wendy almost went off the rails. I had never seen her like that before, but I got her to calm down and promised to tell her once the baby was born.
After Sarah was born, I tried putting it off time and time again until Wendy threatened to expose us, and I had no choice because I knew she would do it. The first person I told was Jacob because I needed his support.
I thought he would understand because he’d always been a lady’s man, but he’d been so furiously disappointed that I’d been taken back. He’d threatened that if I didn’t tell Rachel he would tell her himself and gave me a week.
So, instead of the support I came to him for, I found myself being kicked out of his house with the door slammed in my face. I’d had no choice then. And maybe subconsciously, that’s why I’d done it. I needed that push from someone who cared, I guess, someone who was invested in my life.
As I walked into the building I saw Wendy watching me from the doorway of her office but pretended not to see her as I headed for the bank of elevators. This was all her fault. If she hadn’t given me that ultimatum none of this would be happening now.
“You’re kidding. Don’t be silly.” I laughed nervously because I had some idea what kind of place this was.
“I’m very serious, come on. This always works for me.”
“You? You don’t strike me as the type who’d need someplace like this. How long have you been coming here?”
“How long were you and Doug together?”
“About ten years, give or take.”
“There’s your answer.” My mouth fell open to my chin. I didn’t know what to say to that, and it was obvious he wasn’t kidding because he had his serious face on.
“I don’t quite know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. That has been the truth all these years, and I’m still the same guy I was before you knew. No need to become uncomfortable. Right now, I’m your friend and the Godfather of your children.”
“Yes, but how can I go back to…” We’d reached the door by then and he kind of crowded me in between him and the little wall next to the door. “Rachel, let me put your mind at ease so there are no misunderstandings. That night in the bar, I was the one who saw you first. But Doug reminded me that you weren’t my type.”
“I thought about the truth in his words and knew that I wasn’t in the right head space for anything permanent, so I thought enough of that jolt you gave me to leave you alone.”
“Why are you telling me this now?”