“Perhaps we should take this off the street before one of Jackson’s colleagues has to arrest us for indecent exposure.” Maxwell’s voice was a rough whisper of sound.
“We’ll go to my house. The three of us need privacy. Follow me there.” Jackson’s eyes gleamed with an unholy light. “Max will drive you since you’ve been drinking.”
Since the command in his voice irked her, she released him and wrapped herself around Max, who welcomed her into his embrace. “You going to take me for a ride, sugar?”
“I’d love to,” he said with a grin.
She loved looking into Maxwell’s sapphire blue eyes. Actually, she loved the way he looked at her. Like he was completely focused on her and her alone.
“Car. Now,” Jackson growled beside them.
Taking her hand again, Maxwell led her toward where he’d parked. She wasn’t surprised to see Jackson’s motorcycle squeezed up right behind her car. It figured. He was always on her ass. She snorted at her own joke, making both her guys glance at her. She shrugged, not bothering to explain.
Maybe they’d understand if they had a drink…or three.
She slid into the passenger seat of her convertible without opening the door and was glad the seat had already been moved all the way back so she could stretch her legs out. Maxwell got in and started the car as Jackson’s engine revved behind them. The throbbing sound of his bike increased as he pulled out of his spot, and Maxwell shifted into gear and pulled out after him.
The cool wind blew Trinity’s hair back, and she rested her head back, enjoying the perfect weather and the clear night sky. There was an air of seriousness that settled over them as they took the road out of town, headed toward the isolated side of the island where Jackson lived.
“I’m sorry about earlier, Trinity,” Maxwell said sincerely, breaking the silence. “Believe me, I never meant to make you feel like I was using you in any way.”
She sighed. “I know you didn’t, but it still pissed me off. I mean, how would you like it if I acted like any man would do while you were inside me?”
She watched as his jaw clenched. Clearly, he didn’t like that idea.
Warming to the discussion, she continued. “It’s pretty obvious that the chemistry and sexual attraction is there between me and both of you, but I don’t think you guys really know me. And that is the big fucking problem we have.”
“You have to tell us then. You can’t just walk away when we’re having an argument.”
“Honestly? I was too pissed to stick around and needed to walk away to think.”
Maxwell was quiet as they continued to drive. When they got to the residential area, it was surprising to see how much land each of the properties had. All of the houses located in that area were far away from one another, ensuring privacy.
No, not houses.
They were big ass villas.
She was surprised. Even though she knew Jackson came from money, it was still a shock to see the large white mansion they pulled up to. The house was surrounded by palm trees, shielding part of the front of the building, and there were various levels with balconies that opened up to the sea in the back.
The structure itself was white, but the roof was a dark gray, giving it some contrast. There were a lot of wide windows, allowing a lot of light into each of the levels, but that made Trinity cringe since it was a serious security risk. There was a smaller house on the property off to the left side. By normal standards, it was a good-sized house. However, next to the main structure it looked tiny in comparison.
They pulled up in the circular drive in front of the house and got out of the car as Jackson got off his bike. When she glanced at the smaller house, she had to fight back a smile as he fidgeted.
“My…housekeepers live there. Rosa, Maria, and Hector have been with my family since I was a kid. Let’s go in.”
He unlocked the front door and led them through a wide-open foyer. Maxwell gripped her hand in his as they led her up a flight of wooden stairs, then turned toward the left wing of the house. She had a nagging feeling that she was being led to her doom. It was the same feeling she often got when approaching an ambush in the field.
It was killing her buzz quick, and she didn’t like it.
She didn’t like it one bit.
They led her down a wide hallway to an enormous bedroom that was done up in dark colors, with deep, crimson-colored walls. The centerpiece of the room was a dark mahogany, four-poster bed that was as big as a lake. The bed was covered with a duvet a few shades lighter than the walls, with a dark gray throw folded at the end of the bed. There was also a large maroon couch and a few chairs in the room, but basically, that was it for furniture. It had a small balcony facing the back of the house and an opened doorway led to what she assumed was a bathroom.
It was a beautiful room, but somehow it felt…cold to her.
She frowned when Jackson moved a chair to the center of the room. When Maxwell led her to the wooden chair, she hesitated briefly until he tugged her forward lightly.
“Have a seat, love.”