Alan Browning gulped down the last of his beer and slammed the glass down on the bar. He took out his wallet and threw down some money. He stood up, pressing closer to her than necessary. “You’ve got a smart mouth. When you’re done with the suit and want to give a real man a try, give me a call.”
He stormed away as the bartender came back.
“Hey, if you aren’t busy, why don’t you stick around? I get off work at—”
“She’s busy.”
“And taken.”
The bartender’s face paled as he stared at the two men standing behind her. She felt the heat of their bodies pressing against her. She sighed as she watched the bartender book it to the other end of the bar as fast as he could. Lifting the bottles of water in one hand, she turned and saw Jackson and Maxwell scowling at her.
She chose to smile in the face of danger. “Funny meeting you here.”
“Damn it, Katrina. What the hell were you doing talking to Alan Browning? Max told me what happened at the construction site earlier. That guy has every reason to hate your guts for closing down the project.”
“I didn’t close it down, Max did. And it’s not like he could have done anything to me here in front of all these people.”
“If he touched you, I would have killed him,” Maxwell said softly.
“Christ, you can’t say shit like that,” Jackson snapped. “And who’s to say he isn’t the one behind the attacks. You shouldn’t have gotten in his face like that.”
“Please, if that asshat would have made a move, I would have put him down myself. And I got close to him so I could see if I learned anything, and I did.”
“What did you learn, besides he likes to leer at women who don’t belong to him?” Maxwell asked evenly, setting her teeth on edge again.
“What I learned is that Browning has a problem with people who have money, even though he has plenty of his own,” she said slowly as if neither man were too bright. “His wallet was full of cash, and he was sporting a nice new Rolex on his wrist.”
“It could have been a fake,” Jackson argued.
She scoffed at that. “I knew how to tell the difference between fake and real by the time I was twelve and picking pockets on the street.”
Jackson’s vicious curse was drowned out by Maxwell’s laughter. “You have a strange and varied array of talents, love.”
Trinity grinned. “You know it.”
“Enough of this,” Jackson growled, grabbing her arm. “We’re leaving.”
“I can’t leave. I’m here with a friend.”
“Nikita left while you were in the bathroom,” Maxwell informed her. “She said you wouldn’t mind that she gave the rest of the bottle of scotch to the table next to yours. Although, the two of you drank most of it already.”
She glanced over, and sure enough, a party of four was already seated at the table Trinity and Nikita had been sitting at. She guessed she didn’t have that excuse anymore. Pulling her phone out of her back pocket, she saw the text Nikita had left her telling her she was heading back to the resort.
With that confirmed, she put her phone away and grinned. “Well, I guess I’m free then.”
Sighing, she allowed herself to be pulled along in Jackson’s wake as Maxwell grabbed hold of her other hand, holding it as if they were out for a casual stroll instead of them dragging her out of the bar.
Enjoying her slight buzz, Trinity leaned into Jackson’s hard body, pressing up against him suggestively as soon as they were outside. She felt him take a deep breath, pushing his solid chest against her breasts, making her nipples tighten and tingle. “So, Lieutenant Stone…now that you found me, what are you going to do with me?”
His nostrils flared and his green eyes darkened with lust. “What I should do is spank you, you little hellion.”
Trinity raised a brow at that. “Is that supposed to be a threat? That could be fun. But I should warn you, if you spank me that means I get my turn next.”
His eyes narrowed on her. “I don’t get spanked, baby. I dish it out.”
She leaned in closer. “Well, you better learn to take it.” She nipped at his lower lip with her teeth, sucking it lightly before releasing it with a saucy grin. “Because I give as good as I get.”
He cursed again as she pressed herself close enough to rub against the erection straining his jeans. She felt Max crowd against her back, the hard ridge of his shaft settling against the crease of her ass. No matter how annoyed she was with them, these men definitely made her hot. She felt her core heat as she imagined those hard cocks working inside her together, bringing her the ultimate pleasure.