“Ooh. Trying to impress someone with a romantic getaway?” Knox teased.
“If you’re going to use my cabin as your sex shack…” Nate glared at Jasper.
“He named the prize,” Graham said. “And it’s something that’s within your power to give.”
“Fine,” Nate sighed. “God, I hope you lose,” he added to Jasper.
“So, if I win the round, I get a weekend there?” I asked, trying to understand if there were any more stipulations.
“You’re in the game, aren’t you?” Nate asked.
“I… Yeah. I guess I am.” This was so strange. I felt as if I’d stepped into an alternate universe. Play proceeded, and Knox ended up winning the hand, much to Jasper’s lament. I wasn’t playing particularly aggressively. I was mostly using the opportunity to study my opponents and to get to know Sloan’s family to find out how they felt about us.
“Nate?” Knox asked. “What do you want?”
He glanced around the circle, taking his time to evaluate each of us before landing on Graham. “Winner gets to borrow the Monet for a year.”
Shit. Graham owned an original Monet?
I hoped he had adequate security and insurance for that. What would that even look like? My mind started to play out the various options as Graham and Nate argued over the duration of the loan.
“A month,” Graham shot back, not even looking up.
“Six months,” Nate said.
“Six.” Nate held firm.
Graham leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Five. But winner pays for transport and insurance.”
“Of course,” Nate said.
I watched the four of them, using the game to study them and their strategy. They each took a different approach, but they were all just as competitive, even if some were more obvious about their desire to win.
Nate won the round, and he seemed immensely pleased with himself. “Graham. You’re up. Name your price.”
Graham turned to me. “Winner gets to ask Jackson three questions of their choosing, and he has to answer.”
My gut clenched with dread. Graham was out for blood. And no matter who won, I knew the questions would be probing. I’d been waiting for something like this, but still… Suddenly the game had lost a lot of its appeal.
“Jackson?” Nate asked.
I merely grunted to indicate my assent, while I tried to prepare myself for whatever they might ask.
Knox shuffled the cards, and everyone seemed a lot more focused and intent all of a sudden, despite their earlier casual demeanor. Or maybe it was just me, anxious about who would win and what they’d want to know. Still, I did my best to maintain a calm façade.
Graham ultimately won the hand, and the others groaned as they pushed their cards away.
I knew I was fucked the moment my eyes met Graham’s. “What makes you think you’re worthy of our sister?”
Once upon a time, when I was younger, his words would’ve made me flinch. Even now, I still recoiled at them internally. But I wouldn’t let Graham or anyone stand in the way of Sloan’s and my happiness.
“Shit, Graham.” Jasper shifted in his chair. “You couldn’t use just a little finesse?”
Graham was silent, his eyes still focused on me like a large panther stalking its prey. They were similar to Sloan’s, though a shade darker and much more intense. He watched me expectantly, waiting for my answer.
“I’m not,” I said, clearing my throat. “Worthy of her.”