Page 132 of Redemption

Jasper leaned in, whispering sotto voce, “You weren’t supposed to agree with him.”

I glanced at each of them. “I fucked up with Sloan once before. I thought I wasn’t enough, but I realized that was my own insecurity talking. Ultimately, Sloan’s the only person who can decide what she needs.”

“Damn,” Nate said. “Good answer.”

“Thanks,” I said, a little relieved now that we’d gotten one question out of the way.

“When you say you fucked up with her once…” Jasper asked.

“They were…involved,” Graham said, seeming to choose his words carefully, “when Sloan was in college.”

“Wait…” Jasper turned to me. “Are you the guy who broke her heart? The reason she was so messed up for so long?”

“I believe I’m the one who’s supposed to be asking the questions here,” Graham said in a lofty tone. For a minute, I thought I could get by without answering Jasper’s question, but then Graham added, “But yes, Jackson is that guy.”

Four faces full of menace were now focused on me. Shit.

“What are your intentions toward Sloan?” Graham asked.

“She is my everything, and I intend to show her that every day for the rest of my life.”

“Marriage?” Knox asked.

“If that’s what she wants,” I said, instead of pointing out the fact that I’d already answered Graham’s question and completed all that was technically required of me by the rules.

Graham nodded but said nothing more.

Knox’s expression softened, but Jasper said, “Wait. What? Am I the only one who’s not okay with this? He screwed up. He broke her heart. Are we seriously going to let this go so easily?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Nate muttered. “Jackson’s a good guy,” he said, as if I weren’t sitting right there. Listening. “And Sloan seems happy.”

“How can you know? You’ve seen them together for like two seconds,” Jasper said.

“I spoke with her at length about it, and I checked in during her trip. So, yes, I believe I can confidently say that she’s happy with him.”

Jasper gawked at him. “You did? Why didn’t you say anything?”

Nate lifted a shoulder. “It wasn’t my story to tell.”

“We all make mistakes,” Knox said, glossing over it. “And it seems like Jackson has learned from his. If Sloan is willing to trust him again, we should give him a fair chance.”

Jasper leaned back in his chair, still unconvinced.

Graham opened his mouth, and I braced myself. “Sloan is worth significantly more than you are—financially speaking,” he added, when Nate shot him a dirty look. “Are you willing to sign a prenup?”

“If that’s what Sloan wants, of course.”

Nate and Knox seemed satisfied.

“If you’re asking if I’m interested in her money, the answer is no. I fell in love with Sloan without knowing who her family was or what she was set to inherit.”

Graham leaned forward. “Even so, she’s a powerful, independent, wealthy woman. Some men find that intimidating.”

“I’m not one of them. If anything, I only admire her more for the woman she’s become.” I decided it was time to metaphorically lay all my cards on the table. I took a deep breath. “I understand that you all want the best for Sloan. As an older brother myself, I get it. I’m sure there are many things I could say to try to reassure you about me, but I’ve always believed that actions speak louder than words. All I ask is for you to give me a chance.”

“Damn,” Jasper said. “He really is perfect for her.”

Nate and Knox nodded. Graham peered at me over his cards, and I detected a hint of praise in his eyes.