Page 194 of Moon's Promise

Whew, thank God. They would have stomped her ass.

Larissa tried to look disappointed, but she didn’t think Moon bought it.

“That’s a shame. I can think of at least one woman I wouldn’t mind fighting.”

Moon’s lips curled in amusement. “You wouldn’t be allowed to use a purse.”

She made a face at him. “Then what do the women have to do? Do a bake-off? Clean the clubhouse? I’m warning you now that I would rather fight six of the men than clean a clubhouse, or the men’s clothes, or clean their bathrooms.”

“I can’t guarantee you wouldn’t have to do any of the cleaning, laundry, or cooking. We all get a weekly chore list, the women and the brothers.”

Larissa narrowed her eyes at him. “So, what else do the women have to do to become members?”

“They have to fuck or give a climax to six of the eight brothers who are allowed to give votes.”

She felt her jaw drop open. “You’re kidding.”

Moon didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to—his expression said it all.

Clearing her suddenly dry throat, she slung her nightgown over her shoulder. “You know what, Moon?” She cleared her throat again. “It occurs to me that I don’t need to know The Last Riders’ club business. I have to maintain patient confidentiality as a healthcare provider; I would resent you if you asked me to break that confidence. How about we just forget I asked and move on?”

Taking baby steps to the side, she tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, wanting to make it into the bathroom and end this embarrassing conversation.

Had Lily fulfilled the requirements? She must have … Damn, those still waters ran deep … Winter, too? Ginny? Her mind raced as the women who belonged to The Last Riders came to mind.

Her eyes flew to Moon’s as another thought clicked into place. Her hand fisted the bottom of her gown, and her voice went dangerously low. “How many of the women members have you given your vote to?”

Moon took a step back. “I haven’t counted.”

“Don’t you dare lie to me.” She started pacing back and forth around the bedroom. “Oh, God. Oh, God.” Coming to a stop in front of him, she tilted her head back to glare at him. “How many?” she whisper-screamed.

“I … didn’t …” He held his hands up in the air, pretending to push down. “Calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down.” She spoke too quietly. Moon had to lower his head to hear her. “Not only did you give them your vote, you had sex with them more than one time, didn’t you?”

“Larissa, go take your sh—”

“In fact”—her fist went to rest on her hip as she took a step closer until they were chest-to-chest—“you can have sex with them any ole time you want, can’t you?”

“I can.” Moon put a hand up again, trying to calm her down. “But I haven’t since you—”

“Since I came to Treepoint from Bowling Green?” she finished for him.

“I haven’t. I swear.” At least he’d managed to keep his dick …

Another thought occurred to her.

“Have you kissed a woman?”

She knew he had before he opened his mouth.

Fury hit her like a tornado. One second, she was standing there, and the next, she was whaling on any part of his body she could reach.

“You son of a bitch,” she hissed. “I’m never going to kiss you again.”

At first, Moon just stood there, as if stunned. His hesitation nearly cost him the ability to father more children in the future. At the last second, he must have read the vindictive gleam in her eyes and moved, narrowly being nailed in the groin.

“Whoa. That’s playing dirty.”