Page 195 of Moon's Promise

“Isn’t that right up your alley?” Moving a few steps back, she tugged the nightgown off her shoulder to fold it in half. Then she started twirling it in her hands.

Moon’s eyes widened. “What are you going to do with that?”


Before he could react, she snapped the gown out, hitting him on the hip. Too late, she came to her senses at what she had done.

Instead of being angry like she’d expected, Moon seemed overjoyed. His reaction scared the bejesus out of her.

She spun to run into the bathroom, but a whimper coming from the baby monitor had her jerking to a stop.

Moon was standing right in front of the bedroom door, blocking her path. From the unholy grin on Moon’s face, he knew the cards had turned in his favor.

“Go take your shower.” When she would have argued, his eyes dipped to her breasts. “I’ll change Jace and bring him in so you can feed him.”

Looking down, she hastily raised her hands to her breasts. The damp spots on the front of her sundress made her rush into the bathroom.

She quickly took her dress off and stepped into the shower. What had gotten into her? She had been fighting her jealousy ever since she had seen Moon with Saffron on his motorcycle, and when he appeared outside when she arrived home as if he was some avenging angel, it had struck her last nerve.

It wasn’t a big deal when a woman rode on his motorcycle, yet when the tables were turned …? Then finding how the women became members put the icing on the cake. Was he one of the members who could give a vote? If so, how many women had he voted for? She had been aware the women there were available to the men but had assumed he hadn’t been with them all.

Why should he be content with her when he could have the whole candy store anytime he wanted?

Raising her face to the water, she let the first tears of the night escape.

Because she didn’t want to let Jace become impatient and Moon warm him a bottle, she turned off the shower to dry off.

Sliding on a mid-length cream, pink flower robe, she knotted it at her waist. Facing Moon again after her outburst wasn’t going to be easy. Bolstering herself that maybe by the time she was finished nursing Jace, the big lug would be asleep, she opened the bathroom door. If not, she promised herself to be the calm, reasonable, sweet-tempered woman she normally was, even if it killed her.


As they lay side by side on the bed, Moon was reading a story to his son when he heard Larissa slowly open the bathroom door. He watched from the corner of his eyes as she hesitated walking to the bed, and there was no doubt in his mind what lured her toward the bed was Jace, her mother’s love overriding having to come anywhere near him. She was a smart cookie who realized the argument they had engaged in was far from over.

Oh no, it wasn’t.

It was everything he could do not to give a satisfied grin when she hesitantly climbed into the opposite side of the bed.

Before tonight, he had no idea Larissa could be such a termagant when she became angry enough. He liked it a lot. She was damn lucky Jace had woken up when he had. If he hadn’t, she would have found herself on the bed with her legs over his shoulders.

Damn, she was a spitfire when she was roused and allowed herself to escape from whatever intellectual headspace she was more comfortable staying in.

Kendra had actually done him a big favor when she revealed how smart Larissa was. He had delved deeper into Larissa’s background and looked further past the degrees she had accomplished. In the file he had hastily compiled on Larissa, he had discovered she was extremely intelligent. After what Kendra had said, he dug deeper and found a mind-blowing eye-opener.

There was average intelligence, which, from his first reports, he had known she had taken several gifted classes through her school years. Hell, he had taken several gifted classes himself.

Rolling to his side, he watched as Larissa parted her robe and unsnapped the front of her gown, exposing the engorged nipple to the seeking mouth. Larrissa had raised Jace to a sitting position on a pillow while she lay on her side with pillows behind her back. Lovingly cupping the back of Jace’s head, she ran her fingers over his scalp as he fed.

Curious, Moon wondered if Larissa was aware just how smart she was, or had Kendra held back the information? It couldn’t have been easy for the widowed mother of three to find out all three of her daughters had more than their fair share of intelligence.

Lana being classified as moderately gifted must have been her first clue that Larissa was following in that direction. How had she reacted when she found out Larissa was more than moderately gifted and had tested profoundly gifted? When people said a person was one in a million, Larissa literally was.

Schools and academic think tanks had scrambled to vie for Larissa’s capabilities. Something must have happened when Larissa had turned ten, though, because Kendra stopped letting her participate in any gifted programs other than those offered by their school district.

He wasn’t sure, but if he had to guess, it was because Kendra hadn’t wanted Larissa’s childhood stolen from her. Either that or, with her spending so much time on academics, had Larissa shown delays in other areas of her life? Was that why there weren’t as many pictures of Larissa as there were of Lana and Priss? Kendra could have recognized Larissa was spending most of her time on academics and couldn’t experience the same normal situations her sisters were going through. If she did, Moon had to give her credit for making that hard choice. It couldn’t have been an easy decision to make.

If she had let Larissa continue on the path she had been on, would Larissa be here in Treepoint, or would she be working at some prestigious university, or more than likely a branch of the government determined to use her capabilities for their own purposes?

When he looked at the natural way Larissa switched Jace to her other breast, his gut clenched. Not only had Kendra changed the course of Larissa’s life, she had changed his.