Page 163 of Moon's Promise

Curious, she heard him set something down on the nightstand. She’d thought he was placing his phone and keys, but a familiar odor made her lift the edge of the pillow. What she saw had her sitting up to push the pillow behind her back.

“Is that for me?”

“Of course.”

“How did you get it so fast?”

“I had Nickel pick up the food for me. He brought it when he dropped my bike off.”

Larissa eyed the bag of hamburgers. “Are you still mad at me?”


He sat down on the edge of the bed next to her thighs, and his hands went to her waist to tug her pajama up and over the waistband of her bottoms. He pressed his lips against the bandage where the knife had cut her, then lifted his eyes to meet hers. “You can’t do shit like this anymore, Larissa. You can’t just pick and choose which part of a relationship you want with me and go on your merry way when I say or do something you don’t like just because you don’t want to argue. I’m not going to walk around on eggshells because you can’t fucking handle a fucking disagreement. You don’t have a damn problem acting like a lunatic when you want hamburgers or cookies, but you get nearly kidnapped because I told you not to go to a fucking rummage sale?”

Feeling an embarrassed flush spread across her cheeks, she stared at the blank television screen rather than meet his eyes. “That’s different,” she mumbled.


“Because then it’s what the baby wants. He’s very demanding. He takes after his father.”

“Or his mother,” he countered, his eyes falling to where his hand was resting over the bandage. “I don’t need to go into detail about how fucking lucky you are that all you got was a few stiches and bruises.”

“No,” she replied huskily, her eyes meeting his.

He pulled his hands away. “We’re going to have to come to an agreement here and now, and you’re going to stick with it.”

The seriousness in his tone made her quietly ask, “What kind of agreement?”

Was this it, then? Hadn’t her mother warned her numerous times that no man would be able to deal with her long term? The sharp pain in heart at the thought of losing him hurt much worse than when the knife had wounded her earlier today.

“I want you to promise me that when I do or say something to make you angry, you have to wait for at least thirty minutes before you do something stupid.”

“I can do that.” She nodded, relief rushing through her.

“Then you’re in complete agreement?”

“Totally.” She smiled at him as she reached for the bag of burgers, her smile widening when she saw he had brought up a pack of cookies, too.

Moon’s hand forestalled her. “I’m serious, Larissa.”

“Me, too. I promise.”

He moved his hand away, letting her have the bag.

“I don’t take it lightly when promises made to me are broken,” he warned.

She gave him a grin, regaining a small bout of confidence. “I’m too big to be put over your knee,” she joked, pulling out one of the burgers.

“You won’t always be pregnant.”

Something in his voice had her hand pausing midair with the burger. She felt a sexual shiver course through her body.

Before she could get her senses back under her control, Moon took her wrist, moving the burger to his mouth and taking a bite.

She gave him a baleful look when he moved his mouth away and she saw the big bite he had taken.

“Did I say I would share?” she teased, placing the remainder of the burger in her mouth.