Page 164 of Moon's Promise

A wicked glint flashed in his eyes. “You have no idea how pleasurable sharing can be.”


Moon forcibly swung the factory door open so hard that the workers were caught off guard. Hell, they should be grateful he didn’t have the physical strength to rip it off the building.

“What the fuck?” Train glared at him, setting his coffee down on the worktable after spilling the contents down the front of his shirt.

“Sorry,” Moon apologized, striding to the workboard. “That woman would make a man want to take a dive off a twelve-foot diving board into a pool of concrete.”

He stormed to the postage weighing station, where he picked up the first package in the cart to set it down on the scale. Reading the weight, he clicked the numbers on the machine then pressed the button to print the postage.

“That sucks,” Train commiserated with him, tearing a wad of paper towels off the roll sitting on the next table to mop at his shirt. “Killyama might drive me nuts sometimes, but I’ve never wanted to dive into concrete.”

Moon looked at Train questioningly. “You think I’m talking about Larissa?”

Train frowned. “Who were you talking about, then?”

“Her fucking mom. I’m about to kick her ass back to Bowling Green.”

“Larissa might have something to say about that.” Moving to stand next to him, Train picked up the package he had just weighed to redo it.

“I’d be doing her a fucking favor.” Moon snorted. “That bitch is so toxic that a warning sign should be tattooed onto her damn ass.”

Train burst into laughter. “She can’t be that bad.”

“She’s a fucking nightmare.” Moon picked up another package, slamming it onto the scale. “From the moment Kendra hit town, she’s made my life a living hell.”


“She was supposed to be staying with Lana and Priss, but somehow, that fucking bitch has managed to worm herself into Larissa’s spare bedroom. She cleans from the moment she gets up until bedtime. Heaven forbid if I leave a glass on the counter; she’ll put in the sink before I can even finish it. And if I have to eat one more vegetarian meal, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.”

Train took the postage stamp away before Moon could place it on the package. “I’m sure she just wants Larissa to be healthy.”

Moon glared at him. “Bullshit. The bitch is constantly needling Larissa about how much weight she’s gained. Even told her she should go to yoga five days a week instead of two. I found Larissa crying in the bathroom when I got off working yesterday. Kendra had found her cookie stash and threw them away.”

Train winced. “The ones you just bought for her?”

“Yes,” Moon snarled, picking up another package, but Train took it away from him.

Moon threw himself down on the chair at the workstation and watched as Train started doing the mail.

“And you want to know how my damn day started this morning?” Moon continued his rant.

“Sure.” Train didn’t seem sure, but Moon didn’t care. The other brothers had returned to work.

“When I walked into the kitchen this morning, I nearly cracked my skull open. The battle ax had mopped the floor!” Moon slammed his fist down onto the worktable. “Who in the fuck mops the kitchen floor at six in the morning?” he snarled.

“Someone who wants to take your ass out.” Razer’s amused voice could be heard from the office to the side.

The workers around him broke into laughter, proving the motherfuckers had been listening.

“Bitch is lucky I didn’t wrap that mop handle around her throat.” Vindictively, he replayed this morning, except switching the ending of the encounter with a much more satisfying one.

“Sorry, if you’re expecting any sympathy from me, you’re not going to get it. I’d rather deal with Larissa’s mother than Sex Piston and that band of bitches constantly in my grill.”

Moon grimaced. The brother did kind of have a point.

He stood back up and took the package away from Train that he was about to weigh. He was calmer now that Train made him realize his situation could be worse, much worse.