Page 181 of Moon's Promise

“I will once the baby is here, safe and sound.”

“I’ve got bad news for you. It only gets worse after they’re here.”

“God …” Moon moaned in pain, clutching his stomach. “Don’t tell me that. I won’t survive.”

Shade went to the kitchen to get the juice Kendra had set there before going back in with Larissa.

Seeing Shade was about to bring it to him, Moon shook his head. “I don’t trust she didn’t put anything in it.”

Shade took a drink, making a face when he put the glass back down. “Poison might make it taste better.”

Moon threw an angry glance toward the bedroom. “Bitch knows I hate that no-sugar shit.”

“Can’t blame you there.” Shade went to the fridge to take out the regular juice.

“Don’t bother. There’s no sugar in it, either.”

Shade raised his eyebrows. “It says—”

“Trust me; it’s the same.”

“How about I just make us some coffee?”

“I’d appreciate it.”

Moon lost track of time as they sat in the dining room. And as the afternoon progressed, he grew sicker.

“As soon as the baby is born, I need you to drive me to the hospital.” Holding his cup with a shaking hand, he confessed to Shade how much pain he was in. “I think my appendix has ruptured.”

Shade’s deadpan stare didn’t expose what he was thinking. “I’ll take you whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you, brother. I can always count on you.” Fighting back unmanly tears, he was about to ask Shade for some paper towels when Priss came running to the end of the hallway.

“Moon, come on. It’s time.”

Using all of his strength, he ran into the bedroom and found Larissa on the bed with her legs opened wide. As he stepped further into the room, he was able to witness the head coming out.

Looking up from the sight, he met Larissa’s eyes.

“Can you see?” she asked him excitably.

Moon opened his mouth to answer, only to find himself falling into a bottomless void.


“Isee you’re feeling better.” It was everything she could do to keep the amusement out of her voice as she watched Moon hold their baby to his bare chest.

“Please don’t remind me of how much of a jackass I made of myself. I’m never going to live it down.”

Larissa smiled at him tenderly, lowering her guard with Moon’s full attention centered on the baby. “No one will know. Mom, Lana, and Priss all have promised not to say a word.”

“Shade promise?”

“Not exactly.” Ruefully, she patted the arm close to her. “But I’m hoping he won’t.”

“Even if he doesn’t, it’ll get out. I already got two texts asking if everything was okay. They saw the ambulance I called parked outside.”

Larissa couldn’t help it; she gurgled with laughter, remembering when her mother had looked out the window when Moon was delegated to the living room to see the ambulance outside.