When her mother had gone outside to tell the drivers they weren’t needed, they told her Moon had called the ambulance to take Larissa to the hospital and they were only waiting for the go-ahead from Moon before coming inside. She had sent them inside to check on Moon instead before returning to the bedroom to tell her about his shenanigans.
“Did you really think you’d be able to convince me to go to the hospital?”
“If you were feeling half the pain I was, I don’t know how you didn’t want to. At one point, I think I cried out for my makuwahine.”
Larissa had to wipe away her tears of laughter. It took several minutes to get herself back under control. The memory of Moon passing out at the foot of the bed when she was giving birth wasn’t something she would forget anytime soon.
“Have you called your mother to tell her she’s a grandmother?”
“No, I’ll call her later.”
Larissa frowned. She had broached the subject of his mother several times, and each time, he had given her guarded responses, which left her in the dark as to what their relationship was like.
She was about to question him again when Priss returned to the room, taking the baby from Moon to give to her.
Climbing in the bed with her, Moon watched as she attempted to feed the baby for the first time.
She was beginning to become anxious when the little mouth didn’t latch on, but when he did, she gave a startled jump. Moon’s low laughter at her reaction overflowed her heart with contentment.
God, please let this feeling last.
Priss’ request made them both raise their heads to smile as she took a picture of them.
She set the phone down and finished taking down the birthing pool, which after all the hiccups it had put them through hadn’t been used.
As far as births went, she couldn’t complain. Moon had definitely been the one who took that bullet where that was concerned. She had expected much worse. Overall, she found it a beautiful experience. The best part was, with Moon by her side, she felt like they were truly a family. “Are you still okay naming him Jace?”
Moon nodded, watching as the baby curled tiny little fingers around his forefinger.
“Jace Eric. Sounds like a winner to me.”
“Me, too,” she agreed softly, meeting Moon’s gaze.
Priss interrupted the special moment by clearing her throat. “I’m going to take off, unless you need anything else?”
“No, thanks. I really appreciate your help today.”
“Anytime, sis. Mom is taking a nap. If you need anything, just let me know. Lana gets off at seven, so if you need anything from the store, just text her, and she can pick it up on the way home.”
“We’re good. Thanks again, Priss. I owe you a week vacation when I come back to work.”
“Going to hold you to that.” With a quick kiss on her cheek, her sister left them alone.
“When are you planning on going back to work?”
Moon’s neutral expression didn’t give any hint away of what he was thinking. They hadn’t talked about her going back to work once the baby was born.
“I haven’t taken on any new clients. I thought I would take six or seven weeks off.”
“Who’s going to be watching the baby?”
Larissa knew this part was going to be sticky, which was why she hadn’t brought it up before.
His expression didn’t change, his focus still on Jace.