“There would have always been a part of me that regretted walking away. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t live with that kind of regret…not once I’d tasted you. Touched you. That’s not something a human being is capable of forgetting.” Finn slid her hand higher and beneath the dress Gillian wore. “You are unforgettable.”
“F-Finn.” Gillian’s mouth fell open against Finn’s as she teased her way along her skin. The heat was undeniable—it always was—but it was the hoarseness of Gillian’s voice that had Finn gradually moving higher again. As always lately, no underwear. “Fuck, you have to stop that.”
“I thought you wanted fun and excitement?” Finn asked, looking around the club. “If you want that, you know I’ll give it to you.”
“N-not here.” But Gillian moaned as she said that, leading Finn to believe otherwise.
She smirked as she turned her face towards Gillian’s ear. “You really expect me to believe you? You’re so fucking filthy. I know you want it. Your pussy wouldn’t be soaked otherwise.”
“O-oh, Finn.” Gillian dug her nails into Finn’s thigh.
“Every time you do that, it makes me wetter. And you know what happens when I’m wet for you, babe.” Finn nipped at Gillian’s earlobe. “It makes me fuck you wherever we are.” Finn wasn’t worried. She’d had Gillian moaning her name in her office before today. A club was tame in comparison.
“Finn, I-I…” Gillian shifted and opened her legs a little wider.
“Just as I thought.”
Gillian clenched her jaw, her nostrils flared as Finn teased her clit. “I don’t know who you’re turning me into, but don’t ever stop.”
“Stop? Oh, babe. I’m just getting started.”
Gillian’s eyelids fluttered closed, her lip between her teeth. The table and chairs opposite where they sat obscured the view of anyone looking over, and Finn would go so far as to say that it simply looked like they were having an in-depth heart-to-heart.
“You’re always so needy for me.” Finn eased a finger inside Gillian, watching as a range of emotions crossed her face. “So wet and ready whenever I want you.”
Gillian whimpered, trying to rock against the hand between her legs. “I want you to always want me, Finn.”
Finn gripped the back of Gillian’s neck and pulled their faces together as she said, “You’re all mine. Don’t ever forget that.”
“O-oh, fuck. Y-yes.” Gillian inconspicuously lowered her hand and spread her lips, giving Finn a little more access. It wasn’t ideal, Finn would always prefer to have Gillian screaming her name, but this was just as exciting. “Baby, please…”
“You know, if I could get away with it, I’d be on my knees right now sucking your aching clit. Forcing my tongue inside you. Waiting…begging…for you to come in my mouth.”
Gillian rolled her fingers over her clit, briefly scanning the club again. Finn followed, satisfied that everyone around was preoccupied. “More. Give me more.”
Finn propped her head in her hand, elbow resting on the table, and added a second finger. As she felt Gillian’s warmth, her tightness, she didn’t give a fuck who could potentially walk by and see them. Being inside Gillian was a gift. Fuck, she felt like nothing in this world. Finn was continuously in shock at where her life was at. “You know this is just the warm-up, don’t you? When we get back to the hotel, you’re in for a night of hard fucking, babe. Just the way you like it.”
That alone tipped Gillian over the edge, her walls clasping Finn’s fingers tight. “Fuck. Yes.” She gritted her teeth, her eyes slamming shut as she slowly rocked back and forth. She barely moved, but it was enough to know Gillian was taking what she needed from Finn. “C-coming.”
“And you feel so good when you do.” Finn sat forward, pushing deeper as Gillian shook and gripped her wrist. “Don’t try to stop me. I’ll stop when I’m satisfied.”
“F-Finn, please. I can’t take anymore. Not here.”
Finn eased out of Gillian, brought her fingers to Gillian’s mouth, and smeared her wetness across her red lips. “Then you’d better clean me up so we can head back to the hotel.”
Chapter 28
“Babe? Where do you want this lamp?”
Gillian walked through from the kitchen to the living room, watching Finn move the lamp from surface to surface. These were the moments when Gillian realised Finn was so much more than her lover. The small details. “Where do you think?”
“Oh, I’m not really into interior design. I prefer knocking walls down and stuff.”
“Well, I want the couch area to be comfy and cosy, but I wouldn’t mind a light option should I want to read from there…or finish up on some work.”
“So…” Finn spun around and placed the lamp on the sideboard under the window. “Maybe here?”
Gillian grinned as she approached Finn. “Perfect.”