Page 83 of Study You

Finn reached over the back of the couch and plugged it in, ready for use whenever they needed it. As she groaned and got to her feet again, she turned to Gillian with tired eyes. “Can you believe the house is finished?”

“I can. I had every faith in you.”

“Thanks, babe.” Finn wrapped an arm around Gillian, swaying her to the sound of the radio playing. “I wanted you to have the perfect space as soon as possible, so this was all my priority…along with being there for you.”

Gillian stroked the back of her hand against Finn’s cheek. “Finn, I want you to know that this is your space too. Whenever you need it.”

“I appreciate that, but I don’t want to get in your way. I’ll be here when I’m invited over, but this place isn’t the same as your apartment. I want you to get used to it and enjoy your space here, okay?”

“This space wouldn’t be what it is without you, Finn.” Gillian meant that. Life, when Finn wasn’t around, was incredibly boring. Lonely, too. “What I’m saying is, I want this to be our space.”

“It will be.” Finn kissed Gillian, smiling against her lips. “Now, I have something to show you.”

Gillian frowned. Finn had shown her all of the work she’d done. God, she’d been here while it was happening at times. Hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, Gillian would have the pleasure of seeing Finn in a tool belt again. “Okay.”

“Come with me. It’s upstairs.”

Gillian followed Finn, their hands joined as they took the stairs. Finn had done a great job with stripping the floorboards back to the original wood, even if a few couldn’t be salvaged and new ones had been put in their place. Even though it still smelled of paint and varnish, it felt new and fresh. All done by Finn’s hardworking hands. “Finn, where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

Finn stopped Gillian outside one of her spare rooms. She hadn’t managed to get inside it yet. Finn had told her she had a key to it and kept it locked because she stored her tools away there when she left each night. The area was generally quiet, but an empty house that was being renovated would always encourage thieves to try their luck.

“Okay, so…I wanted to do something for you. Something that felt like only your space. And I know the entire house is your space, but this…is a place where you can lock yourself away if you need to. Or where you can work in the quiet.”

Gillian continued to stare through Finn, with no idea where she was going with this. Had she…done something behind this very door? It seemed that way. “Finn, what’s going on?”

Finn puffed out her cheeks and took a key from the pocket of her joggers. She unlocked the door, then turned back to Gillian. “Close your eyes, babe.”

Gillian smiled as she did so, feeling safe as Finn took both of her hands and guided her through the door. The smell of fresh paint wafted towards her, stronger than the rest of the house.

“Okay, you can open them.”

Gillian opened her eyes slowly, taken aback by the room she was standing in. Olive green walls and neutral furniture greeted her, a huge beanbag situated in the corner with throws and cushions scattered on and around it. “Oh, my.”

“This is your office and relaxation room. The house has four bedrooms, and I doubt you’re going to need all of them to take on that role. I thought maybe it would be a nice idea to work on my own personal project for you. Something that you could remember me by, regardless of where our future is headed. I just…I hope you like it.”

Gillian sniffled as she pulled Finn against her. How had they gone from mind-blowing, meaningless sex…to this? “Finn, I love it. It’s so beautiful.”

“Yeah? You’re not just saying that to make me feel less like an idiot?”

“No, baby.” Gillian brought her hand to the back of Finn’s neck and drew her into a kiss. She touched her forehead to Finn’s, sniffling again as a tear slipped down her cheek. “I love it. All of it. You’ve gone above and beyond for me, and I couldn’t be any more thankful to have you in my life. Or as my partner.”

Finn closed her eyes. “Don’t. You’ll set me off, and I don’t cry.”

“You’re so good to me.” Gillian grazed her nails against Finn’s skin, watching as she shuddered. She knew Finn loved that. It was quite obvious, judging by her body’s reaction. “And I know I didn’t say much to you in response at the hotel,” Gillian said, pausing as she allowed this moment to fully sink in. She never thought she’d be in this position when her marriage ended. And now here she was, about to say things she didn’t think she was capable of saying again. “But…I’m falling in love with you, too.”

Finn visibly swallowed, pulling back ever so slightly. “Y-you are?”

“I am. And I don’t know how terrifying it’s going to be, but you make me feel as though I can do anything I want. And falling in love with you is something I definitely want. If…you want it, too.”

“I don’t think you understand just how much I want everything with you, babe.” Finn’s voice broke. “Even doing this secretly, I still see so much with you. I would never go into a relationship with someone who couldn’t be out, but with you? I’d wait an eternity to be out with you if I had to. That’s how much you mean to me.”

“Who knew we’d be here…”

“I could lie and say I always knew we would make it here, but I can’t do that. I felt completely hopeless most of the time. But am I happy we’ve reached this point? Unbelievably so.” As Finn grinned, her watch buzzed, and her phone pinged. She turned it towards herself, then focused her attention back on Gillian. “It’s just Deena asking if I fancy meeting her for a pint.”

“What time?”