“It’s not. I fell asleep on you last night and woke up to find you gone. What kind of person invites someone into their home…only to fall asleep?”
Finn chanced a step or two forward, reaching out a hand and brushing Gillian’s silky hair from her face. “The kind of person who is comfortable around me. The kind of person who’d had a really emotional day. You’re the first woman to fall asleep on me, Gillian. Make of that what you will.”
Gillian softened, subconsciously leaning into Finn’s touch. “I’m still sorry.”
“Don’t be. I really enjoyed it.” Finn decided to be bold and move closer, their bodies touching. “So, I know I said no pressure to you earlier, and you can absolutely say no, but I…wondered if I could see you again tonight?”
“You mean I didn’t scare you off?” Gillian pressed her hand to Finn’s, where it still sat against her cheek. “I can’t believe you even want to give me a chance. I’ve done nothing but mess you around.”
“Takes a lot to scare me off, gorgeous.” Finn stroked Gillian’s skin. “So, what do you say? You, me, and dinner…” Gillian’s eyes closed when Finn drew her into a slow, lingering kiss. Finn allowed it to convey exactly what she felt for Gillian, hoping she would feel it too.
“F-Finn.” Gillian reluctantly pulled back. “You have to stop kissing me like that.”
“Nah. I know how you feel about me now, so I’m only just getting started.” She kissed Gillian again, pressing her to the wall. “I have a few things to do here, but if you can give me a couple of hours, I’ll go home and shower…then come to your place with dinner.”
“What kind of dinner?” Gillian narrowed her eyes.
“Anything you want.” Finn couldn’t help but stare into Gillian’s eyes. “You tell me, and I’ll bring it.”
“Just…something mediocre.” Gillian lifted a shoulder, smirking. “Mediocre is good right now. I don’t want you to woo me too much in the early days.”
“I’ll find the worst meal I possibly can and force you to eat it. There’s nothing ‘woo-ey’ about that, right?”
Gillian took the corner of her lip between her teeth, wearing a shy smile. “I’m not sure you have to force me to do anything. I’m like putty in your hands.”
Finn slid a hand to Gillian’s impeccable arse. “Oh, you’re something in my hands alright.” She squeezed, dropping light kisses along Gillian’s jawline. Just because they were planning their evening, it didn’t mean Finn couldn’t be a little handsy. She knew Gillian loved it anyway. Why change that? “Now, go home and unwind. Just…don’t unwind too much. I’d like you to have a little something left for me by the time I get there.”
Gillian’s eyes darkened as she stared back at Finn. “You can take anything you want. You should know that by now.”
Mmhmm. Finn did know. She brought her lips towards Gillian’s ear, nipping at her lobe as she said, “You’re making me wet saying things like that. Get out of here before I bend you over the stairs and taste your pussy from behind.”
Finn received the exact response she had hoped for.
Gillian…trembling against her. “F-fuck.”
“Go on. I won’t be long.” She brought a hand between them, slipping it up the front of Gillian’s skirt. “And every time you wear red, the same thing will happen over and over again.” She pressed Gillian’s underwear between her lips, dampness greeting her fingertips. “Don’t touch yourself until I’m there.” Gillian stumbled back, her lips parted as her back connected with the doorframe. “Careful, babe. You’re going to do yourself an injury.”
“You…promise to come over tonight?” Gillian’s voice was laced with everything Finn had missed recently.
Finn turned her watch towards herself. It was three in the afternoon. “I’ll be there by six. Okay?”
“O-okay.” Gillian turned and rushed out of the door.
And Finn? Well, she just shifted slightly, enjoying the sensation of her boxer shorts against her throbbing clit. Oh, Finn. You’re one lucky bastard.
Chapter 21
Gillian stood in the bathroom, staring at herself through the mirror. How had she come to be in this position? This…situation? She cocked her head, inspecting the slight frown lines between her brows. Just a few years ago, she hadn’t imagined herself to be standing here. Not alone, not in a small apartment, and certainly not divorced. For the most part, that was because Gillian had grown up not wanting to rock the boat. So, when she realised that Dave was making her unhappy, she’d chosen to put up and shut up. And as she looked back at herself right now, it wasn’t the same woman she had refused to look at this time last year.
Gillian felt…different.
She knew her life would piece itself back together one day, slowly and bit by bit, but she hadn’t anticipated the way in which it would happen. She hadn’t for one second expected Finn to enter her life, but truthfully, she was so grateful that she had. If Finn hadn’t enrolled last year, Gillian had a feeling she would still be cooped up here. She wasn’t even sure she would have bothered to look for a house. Finn brought out a confidence in Gillian. One she hadn’t encountered even in her days with Dave. It was a different kind of feeling when she was with Finn. Yes, she was considered forbidden, but take that away, and Gillian wanted to know her on a deeper level, too.
Take away the confident, dominant butch in Finn, and Gillian would still feel the same way. She knew Finn cared. Her eyes told Gillian exactly how she felt in any given moment. And Finn knew what Gillian’s body needed…even before she did herself. Finn was…perfect, and from this point on, Gillian was going to allow herself to imagine a future with Finn Ashton in it.
It was time to forget what her head said. She wanted whatever was happening here.
To date. To spend time in the silence with Finn. To…live.