Page 64 of Study You

Gillian puffed out her cheeks and pressed the call button on her phone. She brought it to her ear and took a calming breath as the call connected. “Hi, Jan.”

“Hi, babe. Is everything okay?”

Was it? Yes…it was. Gillian just needed a slight pep talk before Finn walked through her door and Gillian lost all rational thoughts. It would happen. It always did. “Everything is okay.”

“Good. Phil is still away from home if you wanted to come over. We can catch up.”

“I can’t.” Gillian turned out the bathroom light and moved into the living room. She sipped from the small glass of wine she’d poured thirty minutes ago and sat down on the couch. “But thanks.”

“Gill, I don’t want to interfere, but are you sure you’re okay? I don’t want you to start avoiding social situations…you know?”

Gillian appreciated the concern Jan was showing. But thankfully, that idea hadn’t entered her mind for a few months now. “It’s not that. When you left earlier, Finn asked if she could bring dinner over. I decided to say yes.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”

“I really don’t know what’s going to happen between us, but it doesn’t matter how I feel about myself or the situation…I still want Finn.”

“And Finn wants you. Whether you believe that or not, she does. Give her a chance to show you what she’s capable of. The kind of person she is. I know it’s hard, and I do understand your reservations, but please give it a chance.”

“I know what she’s capable of. Even when she tries to play down all of this, little glimpses of the real Finn shine through.” Gillian smiled at the reminder of Finn holding her on the couch. Gillian had felt her stroking her hair, a protective arm around the waist, but Finn had been right. It had been an emotional day, and Gillian couldn’t stay awake. She just wanted to enjoy that moment with Finn without going over everything else in her mind at the same time. “She is genuine, isn’t she?”

“I think that besides me, Finn is probably the most genuine person in your life right now.” Jan’s soft tone soothed Gillian. The more she spoke, the quicker Gillian’s fears faded away. “But I think you know that already. Just do something for me, please?”

Gillian frowned. “What?”

“Enjoy your evening with her. Don’t worry about what tomorrow may or may not bring. Don’t think about work or six months down the line. Just be in the moment, Gill. Enjoy what you have with one another.”

That was Gillian’s plan for tonight. She hated being in her own head so much. The only time she didn’t seem to be stuck in her mind was when she was naked with Finn. But realistically, they couldn’t always be in that position. However thrilling it may be. “I will. We spoke last night, and I couldn’t believe the things she was saying to me. She’s…God, I didn’t expect someone like her, Jan. I really didn’t.”

“Are you happy, Gill? In this moment, right now, are you happy?”

Gillian smiled. “I am. Stupidly happy.”

A gentle knock at the door had Gillian getting to her feet.

“She’s here. I should go.”

“Go. Have a beautiful evening, babe. Call me tomorrow or whenever you’re free, okay?”

“I will. Love you, Jan.”

Jan sighed. “Love you, too.”

Gillian silenced her phone and left it on the kitchen counter. As she moved towards the door, she took a calming breath and then opened it slowly. But…surely. Oh, she was so sure about this. Finn was beaming a smile back at her, those eyes staring deep into Gillian’s soul. “Hi. Come in.”

“You look gorgeous,” Finn said as she stepped towards Gillian and kissed her on the cheek. “I like the dressed-down version of you as much as the hot as fuck version…just so you know.” Finn moved straight into the kitchen and started to unpack dinner. “I hope you’re hungry. I ended up going to the Greek place that has the top reviews around here.”

“That’s not…mediocre.” Gillian narrowed her eyes, adoring the playful smirk Finn wore as she focused on the takeout containers dotted around the worktop.

Finn looked up at her, lowered a container to the counter, and then took the few steps separating them. “Why would I bring mediocre food over for a woman who is anything but?”

Oh, God. Gillian’s insides melted at that. If Finn kept this up, they might just find a heart somewhere deep inside Gillian. “That was smooth.”

Finn lifted a shoulder and placed a palm against the side of Gillian’s neck. She stroked it higher, guided it around the back, and gently fisted her hand in Gillian’s hair. “When I tell you that you’re not mediocre…or that you look gorgeous, I’m not being smooth. I’m being honest. Remember that, and this could be a very pleasant evening.” Finn drew her in, their lips met, and Gillian quickly realised that she couldn’t hold back the moan that slipped into Finn’s mouth. Finn pulled back ever so slightly. “Although judging by that kiss alone, it’s already a very pleasant evening in my eyes.”

Gillian rested a palm on Finn’s chest, smiling at just how easy-going she was. She’d always known it, but Gillian’s own tension often interrupted that knowledge. “Thank you for coming over.”

“Thank you for letting me in.” Finn placed a hand on Gillian’s chest. That had a double meaning, but Gillian wasn’t thinking too much into it. Finn was here, they had this place to themselves, and nobody could ruin that. Not…yet. “Tonight, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”