Page 61 of Study You

“Yeah, no problem.”

Finn lifted her phone. Gillian hadn’t responded.

Damn it!

Hey, you don’t have to answer my last message. I’m around, I’m always here for you in whatever capacity you need me, and if you need some time to process yesterday, you know I’ll give you that. Maybe I’ll see you at some point before tomorrow’s lecture, but I completely get it if not.

“If I’m free, I’ll definitely be in touch.” And Finn meant that. She had the chance to form a friendship here; she would be a fool to not take Deena up on her offer if it was possible. Hadn’t this been what she’d wanted for a while now? A normal life. Finn drained her coffee cup and shoved her lunch into her satchel. “I should head off and start this job I have on.”

“Anything interesting?”

“Mm. A gorgeous Edwardian house that needs renovating.”

Deena smiled. “Weirdly, that sounds right up your street.”

“It is. Anything with character, and I’m all over it like a rash.” Finn got to her feet and smiled down at Deena. “I’ll see you…tomorrow afternoon for the lecture and seminar, yeah?”

“I’ll be there.”

* * *

Finn bopped her head to the music playing on the radio, sanding down the windowsills in the living room. She had the basics laid out in the kitchen—her travel kettle the main priority—and had already worked through some of the things she’d hoped to get done when she’d arrived. Her headspace right now was pretty damn good. Surprising but good.

What will be will be.

That was the mantra Finn was going with. It was as simple as that. Finn knew she was incredibly lucky to have the life she had. A secure home, food on the table, and cash in her bank account. She was excelling when it came to her degree, and she was healthy. What more did she need? Well, Gillian…hopefully, but time would tell with that.

A knock at the door had Finn turning and peering out of the window. Gillian’s friend—Jan, was it?—waved back at her through the glass. Finn frowned, removing her mask and safety glasses as she headed for the front door. Was everything okay? Had something happened to Gillian? Finn’s heart rate suddenly spiked at that idea. She hadn’t heard back from Gillian since her one-word message at lunchtime. That wasn’t a good sign.

Finn wouldn’t show her concern, but it was there. She pulled the heavy door open. “Hi. Is everything okay? Gillian…isn’t here.”

“I know. I’ve just spoken to her. I thought I’d come and have a look at the place since I was in the area.”

Finn smiled, almost placing a hand on her chest with relief. Thank God for that. “Oh, sure. Come on in. Just watch your step. I’ve prepped as much as I can, but I don’t know what’s still lying around on the floor.” Finn eyed Jan’s heels. She really wasn’t wearing the right footwear to be on what was essentially a building site. “Wouldn’t want you to get a six-inch nail stuck in those shoes.”

Jan practically trotted past Finn, moving into the living room. “I’ll tell you what, that girl knows how to pick a house.”

“Isn’t it gorgeous? I’m not jealous at all.” Every time Finn stepped foot in this place, she fell in love with some other original feature. Today, it was the flooring. Once she’d stripped them back and varnished them, they’d look amazing.

Jan turned around, eyeing the original features as she did so, and then her gaze landed on Finn. “Play your cards right and you may not need to be jealous.”

“Excuse me?” Finn removed the disposable gloves she’d been wearing, throwing them to the rubbish pile she’d made in the corner of the back half of the living room. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.”

“Oh, come on. Gillian may not have given me all of the details, but I know things have been strained between you two. Considering you’re not seeing one another anymore, it says a lot about who you are, given the fact you’ve shown up here and not let her down.”

So, Gillian hadn’t updated Jan yet. Understandable, since things had only really changed last night. Finn wasn’t usually fond of people knowing about her private life, but Jan was Gillian’s best friend, and she suspected they talked about everything with one another. Rather than put her foot in it and perhaps say things Gillian wouldn’t like, Finn would play stupid. “It’s a job.” Finn lifted a shoulder, aware that she had beads of sweat on her forehead. She ran a wrist across her skin, puffing out her cheeks. “I’m just here to work.”

Jan held her phone and her car keys in her hand, nodding slowly. “You know I mentioned that I needed to talk to you? Well, I think that time may have come, Finn.”

“Yeah, that’s really not a good idea.” Finn didn’t want to stand around talking about Gillian behind her back. She had far more respect for her than that. She was sure Jan meant no harm, but it just didn’t feel right. “Gillian will say what she needs to say when she’s ready.”

“Only she won’t.”

Finn’s brows drew together. What the hell was going on here? First of all, she hadn’t heard back from Gillian since she’d messaged her around midday, so she had no idea where she stood with her…and now Jan was here effectively cornering Finn into listening to whatever she had to say. “Does Gillian know you’re here?”

“No. And I’d appreciate it if you kept what I told you to yourself…maybe even act surprised if she ever does tell you.”

Finn’s shoulders slumped. Whatever was going on, she just hoped Gillian was okay. “Look, I really appreciate you being here, and I love how close you guys are…but I’d rather not discuss this with you. Gillian and I are…I don’t know. I think it’s a good idea to keep anything you have to say to yourself. If she found out we’re here talking to one another, she would be devastated.”