She brought it up to her face, tears spilling down her cheeks.
Done. I’m out. I just need some time to get myself together, and then I’ll call you. Give me a few days. Maybe a week. I don’t know. I just know that I can’t see you right now. I’m sorry. Paige x
Juliet sat bolt upright, her heart hammering. Part of her was thrilled that Paige had managed to get her stuff and get out, but the rest of her had dread sinking to the pit of her stomach. Paige wasn’t coming back today? Or this week?
And then another message came through.
I’m probably way off the mark here in thinking you’d even want to hear this, but I love you. If I don’t make it back, just know that I love you. It doesn’t even matter that you don’t feel the same. I just had to say it. I don’t want anything to happen and I never have the chance to tell you. You mean the entire world to me. Paige x
If Paige never had the chance to say it… What the hell did that mean? Juliet should have been grinning from ear to ear at the mere thought of Paige loving her, but instead she was dissecting the rest of the message.
Please come back to me, Paige. I love you, too. J x
Chapter 21
“You better have something for me, Henry.” Juliet rested against the piano as Henry eyed her, then Cara. “Oh, she’s fine. Don’t worry about Cara being here. We’re only doing a stock take.” It was Thursday; Juliet didn’t need to be here. But it beat sitting at home.
“You know how this goes, Jules. I need you alone.”
Juliet nodded, pushing off the piano. “Cara, can you…make yourself busy elsewhere for a few minutes?”
“Sure.” Cara threw down a bar towel and left the room, but Juliet lifted it and folded it just the way Paige would have. It wasn’t hard to keep things tidy for when Paige returned, and she would remind Cara of that once Henry had left.
“So?” Juliet turned back to Henry, anxiety swirling around in her belly as it had for the last five days. Only the longer this went on, the more it grew. She hadn’t actually eaten anything substantial in the last three days, but she was used to running on fumes from her law days. “Please, tell me you have something?”
“Maiden name is Ashburn.”
Juliet dropped into her spot, running a hand through her hair.
“This is really affecting you, isn’t it? You look terrible, Jules.”
“Thanks. I appreciate you reminding me.” Juliet rolled her eyes, sinking back into the couch. She offered a seat to Henry, but he held up a hand and refused.
“I called in a favour or two. Some of the guys I used to work with still have connections. Paige is in Birmingham. I checked for relatives around the area, but she appears to be an only child, mother deceased. No record of a father.”
“She’s in Birmingham.” Juliet nodded slowly, repeating what Henry said and giving it a moment or two to sink in. She knew Paige wouldn’t have stayed in Kent once she’d collected her things, and for the first time, she finally felt as though she was getting somewhere this afternoon. “And when was the last time you checked her location?”
“Oh, this information came via a friend an hour ago. Latest ping on her phone was,” Henry paused, checking his watch. “Seventy-one minutes ago.”
“I need to find her, Henry. I think she’s in trouble.”
Henry did take a seat this time. “What kind of trouble, Jules?”
“Husband trouble. Domestic violence case.”
Henry squared his shoulders and cleared his throat. “So, you’ll be wanting a visit to Kent, I assume? I can ask one of the guys to handle that, or I can go myself, but then it leaves you vulnerable.”
“I don’t care about me right now. If I don’t find Paige, if I don’t keep her safe, I’ll pray whoever wants me dead finds me.”
“Jules, I’ll handle this. When have I ever let you down?”
Juliet lifted a brow, a faint smile playing on her lips. “You really want me to answer that, H?”
He grinned. “No, probably best if you don’t. But you know I have your back on this. Say the word, and I’ll pay the bastard a visit.”
“I just want to find her first. Can you help me do that?”