I just want to know that you arrived okay. You said you’d text when you got there and had a rough idea of the time you’d be coming back. J x
Juliet swallowed as she stared down at the screen. She never should have let Paige leave the city.
I made it here. Not sure of the time I’m leaving yet. Getting things together.
On shaky legs, Juliet lowered herself to the edge of the bed. Paige seemed out of character, but Juliet had to consider whether her own mind was just jumping to that conclusion. If Paige was busy packing, she wouldn’t have time to stand around texting Juliet.
Will you call me when you leave the house? J x
Juliet swallowed, tears filling her eyes as she stared down at the one-word response. She wanted to insist she drive down to collect Paige, but she’d never go for it. Still, she found herself asking anyway.
If I leave now, I could be there before dark. J x
No! Don’t come here!
Okay. But if you need me, you’ll tell me, won’t you? J x
I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Go to work and I’ll see you when I see you.
Juliet brought her phone to her ear, her hand shaking as she waited for the call to connect. “Hey, I need you to do something for me.”
“Sure. What is it?”
“Paige Harrison. Find out anything you can about her. Where she frequents. Generally down in Kent. Any family? Friends? That sort of thing.” Juliet needed to find Paige. She had no idea where to look, so she hoped Henry could help.
“Everything okay, Jules?”
Juliet swallowed down the lump in her throat. “I don’t know. I hope so. Whatever you find, however minute, let me know. I’ll be leaving for the bar in the next hour.”
“You got it.”
The call ended, leaving Juliet with nothing other than her racing thoughts. Thoughts she didn’t want to have, thoughts she didn’t need, thoughts…that made her want to throw up.
Paige didn’t want Juliet to involve herself, and she had to respect that. But it didn’t mean she couldn’t have some information on hand if she needed it. Because as she sat here, alone and scared for her girlfriend, Juliet suspected she was going to need it.
Her phone buzzed in her hand.
“Did you say Harrison?” The deep voice she’d relied on for the last several months strangely comforted her.
“No record of a Paige Harrison. At least, not one that matches up with your Paige.”
Juliet smiled. My Paige.
“Try…Dunbar.” Paige was married to James Dunbar, so she surely had to be in the system under that name. “And if she shows under that name, find out her maiden name too. It’s clearly not Harrison.”
“Got it. Leave it with me.”
Juliet lay back on the bed, still wearing her robe from this morning, and calmed her breathing. If she didn’t, she was going to have a panic attack. Because the longer she waited to hear from Paige, the more that fear grew.
And then her phone vibrated.