“I’ll ask him to get the track ready.”
The giddiness in Blair had Aster laughing, a soothing hand placed on the small of Eden’s back. “You don’t remember saying that to Blair?”
“Of course I do. I just hoped she wouldn’t bring it up.”
Aster frowned. “Why?”
“Because I hate singing in public,” Eden explained, running a hand through her hair. Aster noted just how pristine she still looked, twelve hours on from getting ready this morning. An absolute beauty. “But I said it, and now I have to come good on my promise.”
“Did you know…” Aster pressed her body to Eden, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. “That the moment I fell in love with you was the night you got up in the bar and I heard your voice for the first time?”
“You don’t have to encourage me. I’m doing it anyway.”
“Oh, I’m not. That’s the truth.” Aster ghosted her lips over Eden’s. “That voice. How you looked into my eyes. I fell in love with you, Eden.”
The sudden clearing of Blair’s throat through the microphone pulled them apart, Eden’s body tensing as Aster loosened her grip. “I love you.”
Aster brushed a thumb across her cheek. “I love you too. Everything about you.”
Aster reluctantly released Eden, taking a seat at an empty table along the edge of the white marble dance floor. As the backing track floated through the marquee, Aster swallowed. Was Eden Kline really hers? It was hard to believe most days.
Eden’s soft voice reached her ears. Just that one opening line—the look in Eden’s eyes—Aster felt as though she would slip from her chair and fall to her knees at any moment. This was what heaven felt like, surely. Blair and Dom slow danced, the room silent except for Eden’s serenade, and Aster…well, she was falling more and more in love every minute of the day.
As Eden reached the chorus of Don’t Be a Stranger, a shiver worked its way through Aster, every nerve ending tingling. Right now, tonight, Aster had never felt so whole. So…accomplished. With Eden Kline in her life, it was hard to feel any other way. Everything just worked. Better than it ever had. And as Aster gazed into Eden’s soulful eyes, she knew life would always be something special with Eden around.
Eden was hers, and she was Eden’s. Wow…
Aster sighed as the song came to an end. This day was officially over, but she wished it wasn’t. Eden was always charming and looking drop dead gorgeous, but today it all felt different. Like, Eden had fully accepted who she was and the path her life was taking once and for all. Radiant and certain, that’s the impression Aster got. And she loved it.
Blair and Dom pulled Eden into a hug, but it was Aster who really wanted to have her arms around her girlfriend. Preferably in bed and naked.
After Eden kissed Blair on the cheek and gave Dom one of her beaming smiles, she turned her attention to Aster. She had that look in her eyes that told Aster they should be alone, and as beautiful as this day and night had been, Aster had to agree. They may have spent most of the wedding together, but it didn’t feel as though they’d actually spent time together. It was time to do exactly that.
“You ready to go, beautiful?” Aster lifted her suit jacket from the back of a chair and slung it over her shoulder.
Eden sidled up beside her, that smile spreading further. “Absolutely.”
* * *
Eden threw the cabin key onto the coffee table, rolling her head on her shoulders as she relaxed for the first time since last night. The day had been unbelievably beautiful, but she hadn’t felt as though she could truly switch off for a single moment. Call it the event planner in her, but she’d spent so many years doing this that the thought of taking a day off terrified her. Especially when it was her best friend’s wedding.
“You looked beautiful today,” Aster whispered as she stepped up behind Eden, arms wrapping around her waist. “Really amazing.”
Eden smiled as her eyelids fluttered closed, tilting her neck as Aster worked her skin with her lips. “Thank you.”
“And I kinda want you out of this dress, but then I want you to leave it on all at the same time.”
Eden settled her hands on Aster’s against her stomach. “Well, if you knew what I was wearing underneath, I think you’d want me out of it.”
“Is that so?” She felt Aster smirk against her neck, those safe arms tightening around Eden’s body. “Maybe I should do the honours and get you out of it then…”
Eden turned, swallowing as she stared into Aster’s soft brown eyes. All day her mind had swam with what the future held, and as much as she wanted to lie on the bed while Aster worked her up, Eden wasn’t sure she could hold it in any longer. She needed to gauge what Aster wanted in the months and even years to come.
“What’s wrong?” Aster pulled back, but her arms remained.
“Nothing. I just…today has been so lovely.”
“It has, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved and in love as I have today.”