God, Eden looked stunning.
In her ivory floor-length gown, the split finishing at the top of her thigh, those silky-smooth legs teasing Aster with every moment that passed…this was a dream. One Aster never wanted to wake from. But then Aster always knew Eden would look remarkable on Blair and Dom’s wedding day. Was it possible for the bridesmaid to look better than the bride? Aster wouldn’t say that out loud, but Eden really had turned heads. Aster’s more so.
Still can’t believe she’s mine…
“You know, I think it’s time I settled down and found myself a wife.”
Aster frowned, turning to find Fi standing behind her. She couldn’t fathom why Dom or Blair had invited Fi today; she caused nothing but trouble. But it wasn’t Aster’s wedding…or business.
“Don’t you think, Bennett?”
Aster’s brows rose. “I mean, sure. If you’re ready to settle down.”
“What about you?”
Whoa. Was Fi asking Aster what she thought she was? Surely not.
“I don’t mean with me, stupid ass.” Fi punched Aster’s upper arm, laughing as she shook her head. Aster didn’t know whether to laugh or be offended that Fi found the idea so hilarious. “I mean with your woman. She’s gorgeous.”
“Uh, yeah. And taken. So if you could stop drooling over my girlfriend while you’re standing next to me, that would be great.”
“What? I’m allowed to admire a beautiful woman.”
Aster groaned internally. Fi made it a habit to rile the team up; why did Aster think she could get away with it? “You are…just not mine.”
Fi winked as she wrapped an arm around Aster’s shoulders. “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t take her off your hands. Eden only sees you. It’s kinda sweet at times.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Nope. Perfectly sober. I haven’t even finished my first glass of champagne.”
Aster was impressed by Fi’s attitude today. Maybe she really was considering settling down. Aster believed she had more chance of seeing a chair walk, but if Fi was contemplating it, Aster would refrain from offering her opinion.
“Seriously, Bennett. That woman loves you.”
“She does,” Aster agreed, her eyes settling back on Eden as she spoke with Angela. “And you know what? She’s perfect for me.”
“This could be you next.” Fi winked as she turned and walked away.
Aster would admit to allowing the idea to float through her mind once or twice, but she wasn’t sure at what point it was acceptable to seriously think about such an event in her life. She’d marry Eden tomorrow if Eden asked her, but marriage hadn’t been something they’d discussed with one another since they finally got together. Perhaps Eden was all out of wedding days. She spent so much time planning everyone else’s, maybe she no longer wanted one of her own.
But it didn’t matter today. This was Dom and Blair’s day, and it had been truly beautiful so far. Even though Blair didn’t have her parents or much family here, Aster knew she had everyone she needed. Family wasn’t always everything; Aster understood that even though her own family were her world. But it was nice to see Eden’s mum here and enjoying herself. They were on better terms, but Aster felt Angela watch her every move. If she was waiting for her to mess up, she’d better take a seat and get comfortable, because Aster wasn’t going anywhere.
Eden walked towards Aster, weaving through the tables in the marquee. Aster’s breath quickened. Just the mere thought of Eden in her space sent her head spinning. “There she is,” Aster said, smirking. “The most beautiful woman in the room.”
“Don’t let Blair catch you saying that.” Eden grinned as she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to Aster’s. “But thank you. You’re always really good for my ego.”
“Seriously, babe. You look incredible.” Aster slid a hand around Eden’s waist, bringing her lips to Eden’s ear. “You’ve no idea the kind of thoughts I have running through my head.”
“If they’re anything like mine…I know exactly what you’re thinking. You look excruciatingly good today.”
Aster shivered with those words. Knowing Eden wanted her out of her suit only meant the rest of this day was going to be painful. “Yeah?” Aster smiled against Eden’s ear. “We could slip off somewhere…”
“Oh, the anticipation is so much more fun.”
“Ugh. Speak for yourself.” Aster swigged her beer from the bottle, the idea of standing around with a glass of champagne not really up there with her top priorities. She couldn’t stand the stuff. “How’s Blair?”