Page 102 of Holding Her Heart

“God, she looks so happy.” Eden pulled Aster towards the edge of the marquee, stepping out onto the decking. “This is all I ever wanted for her. To be happy and smiling because she was in love with someone who couldn’t bear to be apart from her. And now that she has it, I feel like my own heart can fully settle for the first time in so long.”

“Are you happy?” Aster touched Eden’s cheek lightly, guiding her fingertip down to Eden’s jawline. “With me?”

“You know I am.” Eden’s eyes closed, her lips parting as she leaned into Aster’s touch. “Happier than I’ve ever been.”


“Are you?” Eden countered, her deep brown eyes soft and inviting. Gentle.

Aster had so much she had to thank Eden for, but right now wasn’t the time. Or maybe it was. “When I walked into your office fifteen months ago, the last thing I expected was you. I didn’t even expect a full-time job, let alone a girlfriend, so it feels kinda weird knowing that we’re here now at a wedding together. You know?”

“Neither of us were looking, Aster.”

“And maybe that’s why this all worked out so perfectly. Because that’s exactly what you are to me, Eden. The very definition of perfect. We didn’t pressure ourselves or one another, it just happened as it happened.”

“I wouldn’t change a single thing.”

“No. I wouldn’t either.” Aster leaned in, pressing a kiss below Eden’s ear. She’d wanted to kiss the face off her girlfriend all day, but she wouldn’t be responsible for ruining Eden’s makeup. “Come on. Let’s go and mingle. I’ve never mingled at a wedding as one half of a couple before.”

“No, me neither.” That realisation seemed to hit Eden, a slight frown gracing her beautiful face. “But that changes right now. Because I’ll always have you by my side, right?”

“Always, beautiful.”

* * *

Eden relaxed back in her chair, crossing her legs as Blair flopped down in front of her. Considering Eden hadn’t been allowed to touch or plan a single thing today, she was impressed by her staff. She’d found herself trying to take over once or twice, but Aster gave her a look, and Eden immediately took a step back. It wasn’t that she wanted to interfere, it was just in her blood to change the position of a flower arrangement or a seating plan.

“My God!” Blair placed her hand to her chest as she flung herself into a seat. “I’ve never been so shattered. Is it bedtime yet?”

“Oh, we all know why you’re looking forward to bedtime.” Eden wore a smirk as she studied her best friend. She couldn’t recall a time she’d looked more beautiful. “How has your day been?”

“Amazing,” Blair said, scanning the room. “Everything I could have wanted. Magical.”

Eden sat forward, taking Blair’s hand. “I’m so happy you got your happily ever after.”

Blair reached out a hand, tucking Eden’s hair behind her ear. She smiled fully, tears in her eyes. “It’s time for you to have your happily ever after now, honey.”

Eden blushed, lowering her eyes. She’d never felt so loved and well looked after, and she’d never felt so compelled to return those very same feelings. But Aster…God, she made it easy for Eden to love with every fibre of her being. They got one another, they shone when they were together, and Eden couldn’t imagine a world where Aster didn’t exist. “I am happy. I’m so happy, Blair.”

“I know. And I love that.”

“I want so much more with her,” Eden said, spying Aster as she threw her head back laughing, her suit jacket discarded to show strong biceps in her short-sleeved shirt. “So much.”

“You and I both know Aster is the one for you. So, whatever you want, grab it with both hands.”

“Is it that simple? Can I really have the life I’ve always wanted…with a woman?”

Blair’s brow rose. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but that’s exactly what you’re doing right now. You lost a few friends and family along the way, but you’re happy. You’re thriving. You work with the woman you love, and I’d say that’s more than most people have.”

Eden had lost some friends and family along the way, but it wasn’t anything she missed. Those friends had been the very same friends who’d talked behind her back for the best part of twenty years. And the family, well, they didn’t matter. Her mother had come around to the idea, and that was the most important thing. Blair was right. Eden could have the life she wanted.

“I have you.”

“Sweetie, you’ll always have me. Forever. You and I have been through too much together.”

Eden cleared her throat, shifting her seat closer to Blair. Aster smiled as she caught her eye, winking in Eden’s direction. But then Eden blew out a deep breath as she leaned in towards Blair. “Do you…think I’m too old for kids?”

Blair rested a hand on Eden’s. “Not at all.”