“Well, I mean, if we could move at the speed of light, we could stop time altogether,” Rose said.

KC sat up. “We have to leave this room,” she said. “The laptop is fucking evil. Like, look at that. Just look at that fucking thing.”

They all stared at the laptop. It did seem weirdly malevolent.

They wandered into the living room, which was bright with warm daylight. “Oh my gosh, KC, you were so right,” Margo said. “It’s much better in here.”

“It really is,” Rose said. They all three collapsed on the carpet of the living room. Biotch, surprising them all, approached Margo and curled up next to her.

“Why does she like me now?” Margo said. “She didn’t like me before, and now she likes me.” Margo stared into Biotch’s little tearstained face. “Maybe she can read my mind,” she continued. “Oh my God, that reminds me, I have something to ask you guys!”

“What is it?” Rose asked, suddenly serious.

“Are you on TikTok?” Margo asked.

KC started laughing. “That was so anticlimactic!”

“No, I mean, I have this idea,” Margo said. She was worried she was not going to explain this right. She stroked Biotch’s tiny body. Her breasts were so swollen and nodular from needing to nurse they felt like heads of cauliflower under the skin, and she missed Bodhi so much that if she thought about him for even a second, she would begin leaking. She’d called Jinx from the bathroom at one point and arranged for him to come pick her up when they were finished. There was no way she could drive, and she’d cried because she thought he was mad at her even though he kept telling her he wasn’t. If she did all this for the sake of this idea and then managed to fuck up the pitch, she wasn’t sure she could live with herself. “I have an idea. And I know from the bottom of my soul that if you guys trust me, I can make us extremely famous. And rich. Filthy rich. But also famous.”

“Yeah, okay,” KC said, “this is a drag. Are you really being like this right now? Are you delusional, or is this, like, a scam?”

Rose shushed her and said, “What do you mean, sweetie?”

Margo stared at the popcorn ceiling, which seemed to be moving like snowflakes. “Okay, so you know Vegeta and Goku? That is like TikTok and OnlyFans.”

“Which one is Vegeta?” KC asked, skeptical.

“I guess TikTok,” Margo said.

“TikTok is not Vegeta,” KC said, “no way.”

“What I am saying is the fusion-ha. Fusion-ha! Because OnlyFans has no discoverability, but lots of monetization, and TikTok has all discoverability, but no monetization. They are made for each other. They are, like, destined to interlink. And if you use them together—it’s like a superpower. Monetization and discoverability united.”

“So you are essentially saying we should make TikToks,” KC said. “I mean, duh, I’m the one who told you to get a TikTok in the first place.”

“No, I’m saying we should use TikTok to build our personas, and for that we need to work together. If you only have one character, you’re naturally limited in what you can do. Mr. Beast works better because he has his friends on the channel. We need that. We could play off each other and make subplots and prank each other, and it would give us something to do that was PG enough for other social media.”

“Now you want us to start a YouTube channel?” Rose asked.

“Well, probably, yeah,” Margo said, “but I think we should start on TikTok. Okay, look at it this way, KC: the fact that Rose loves you balances you. Her sweetness makes your bitterness less toxic feeling.”

“Toxic!” KC said, and rolled over onto her belly.

Margo cut her off. “And Rose could easily come off as stupid, but it is obvious she isn’t because how else could she have tamed a creature as complicated as KC?”

“Rose is not stupid,” KC said.

“Yes, we know that because we have met Rose, but there is no way you can tell she was almost a physicist from her breasts alone!”

Rose reached out and took Margo’s hand and squeezed it. “I love you,” she said. “We say yes.”

“We aren’t saying yes to shit! TikTok isn’t worth investing in. I know girls who have lost whole 100k accounts just for linking to their OnlyFans.”

“We’ll use Linktrees,” Margo said.

“TikTok is strict, though, you can’t do nudity, you can’t do all sorts of stuff.”

“We don’t need nudity. Okay, okay,” Margo said, handing Biotch over to Rose so she could stand and demonstrate. “So you pick the hottest sound on TikTok, something dance-y, and you see Rose doing a little dance, wearing clothes but hot, and you are thinking, Okay, hot girl dancing, but then you notice the couch behind her, like, moving, and KC is inside the couch and is slowly climbing out, and then the video ends when she jump scares you. Or when you jump scare her. Whatever, it ends on the scream.”