Neither KC nor Rose said anything.

Margo was desperate. She wished she weren’t high so there was any hope she could express the magnitude of the vision that had been growing in her for the last twenty-four hours. “Instead of turning you into a body for someone to fuck, working together will turn us into people. We will humanize each other. If they see us doing normal things, it will make it feel more real when we do sexy things! We will become more than dolls!”

“Sweetie, I did not know you were this smart!” Rose said.

“I just don’t think it’s worth it,” KC said. “Like some TikTok, sure, but after what happened on Instagram, I don’t like putting all my eggs in one social media basket.”

“What happened on Instagram?” Margo asked.

“SESTA-FOSTA,” Rose said. “We both got into doing OnlyFans because of Instagram, actually, we were big into the festival scene so we had these huge accounts—”

“I had over five hundred thousand followers!” KC cried.

“And both our accounts got deleted and we had to start all over. Like six months ago, because we had linked to our OnlyFans accounts in our bios. She doesn’t want to get burned again.”

“Fair enough,” Margo said. “That’s totally fair. But there’s no other platform where it’s as easy to go viral as TikTok. And I think it’s worth trying. Like, what’s the worst that happens? And we can cross-post the videos on Instagram, we can put them on YouTube, it doesn’t have to just be about TikTok. Think of it as focusing on PG content.”

“What kind of percentage are you thinking?” Rose asked.

“Percentage of people who would subscribe if we went viral?” Margo asked. “I mean, I have no idea, but even if it were one percent, if you go viral big enough...”

“No, what percentage of our proceeds would we owe to you? You’re basically proposing engineering this huge publicity machine, so I assume we’d have to pay to be part of it.”

“Oh, wow,” Margo said, “yeah, I hadn’t gotten that far. Let’s just see if it works?”

“I’m not seeing any downside to at least trying this out,” Rose said.

“I still think it’s stupid,” KC said.

“Let me write it. Give me a week, and then we can meet, and you can see if you want to film it.”

“Sweetie,” Rose said, “I’m just worried you’re not thinking enough about what’s in it for you. Are you sure you should be volunteering to do all the work? This isn’t some group project in school.”

“Um, hello, you guys, I have a thousand Instagram followers, you have thirty thousand. There is no way that working with you two isn’t a huge, huge step up for me.”

“Oh, true that!” KC crowed.

“Okay, that kind of makes me feel better,” Rose said.

“I also have to tell you something else,” Margo suddenly found herself saying, because she saw in that moment that it couldn’t be any other way. “I have a four-month-old baby. We’re going to have to work around him, like only shooting certain days or having him in the background. My dad will be watching him, so you will have my undivided attention. I just can’t spend eight hours away, I can’t, it would kill me.”

“Your dad?” KC said.

“Yeah, but he’s cool,” Margo said.

“A four-month-old baby?” Rose asked. “Are you shitting me?”

Margo could feel the idea crumbling around her. She’d been stupid to think they’d agree to this in the first place. Maybe she’d even told them about Bodhi to ruin her chances because she was afraid of wanting this hard, of dreaming this big.

“I’m sorry,” Margo said. “I didn’t mean to lie to you guys. I just—”

“It’s not fucking fair!” Rose said, and threw a piece of dog hair fluff she’d peeled off the carpet at Margo. “How do you have that fucking waistline?! Four months! Four months ago you pushed a baby out of there?”

“We need to back up and talk about your dad here,” KC said.

“I’m not worried about the dad,” Rose said.

“I don’t want some old dude up in here with a baby—it’s weird.”