Page 59 of Hide Me Darling

So many possibilities…

Finishing the roll and coffee I make my way to the beach. The sun warms my skin and the salty breeze tangles my hair. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore is soothing, offering a brief respite from the turmoil in my mind. The sand is soft beneath my feet and even though my thighs ache,, I let my thoughts wander as I walk along the water's edge.

Up ahead, I spot someone coming out of the waves. As I get closer, I recognize the striking red hair—it's Beth from the bus stop. She's just emerging from the surf, droplets of water glistening on her skin as she pushes her hair back and spots me.

"Hey, Beth!" I call out, waving as I approach.

She smiles warmly and waves back. "Hey, Taylor! Enjoying your morning?"

"Yeah," I reply politely, matching her smile. "How about you? How are you settling in? Enjoying the island?"

Beth wrings out her hair and nods. "It's been great so far. The island is beautiful, and the people are super friendly. It's a nice change of pace from the city."

"Yeah, I completely agree," I say, surprising myself with the enthusiasm in my voice. "The island has such a different vibe. It's like stepping into another world."

Beth raises an eyebrow and looks at me curiously. "You sound like a city girl," she remarks, a hint of amusement in her tone.

I laugh softly, nodding. "Guilty as charged. I grew up in the city and have been living there most of my life. The hustle and bustle, the noise, the constant activity—it's what I'm used to. But I have to admit, the island's charm is really growing on me."

"Really?" Beth says, genuinely intrigued. "I would have thought the city life would be hard to leave behind."

I think about it honestly for a moment, not having really stopped to assess my feelings properly until now. "It was, at first," I admit. "But there's something about this place. The slower pace, the sense of community, the natural beauty... it's refreshing. And I think I needed a change."

Beth’s eyes reflect a shared understanding. "I get that. Sometimes a change of scenery is exactly what we need to gain a new perspective on things."

"Exactly," I agree. "And honestly, the people here have been so welcoming. It's made it easier."

"Yeah, I've noticed that too." She wrings out the last of the water from her hair. "Everyone seems genuinely friendly and interested in getting to know each other. It's a nice change from the anonymity of the city."

"Are you planning to stay here long term, or is this just a vacation for you?" I ask, curious about her plans.

Beth hesitates for a moment, a shadow crossing her face before she quickly masks it with a smile. "Just here for a few days, actually. I needed to escape some stuff," she says, her voice trailing off as a haunted look fills her eyes. It vanishes as quickly as it appeared.

I nod, understanding more than she realizes. "What are you doing for dinner tonight? We could eat together if you want to talk about it," I suggest, hoping to offer her some company. Besides, it will be nice to have some conversation where I’m not digging for information.

She lights up with excitement for a moment before she slumps in disappointment. "Oh, I signed up for one of the painting classes tonight. They provide finger food, so I'm kind of tied up."

"How about coffee tomorrow morning then?" I suggest, as I don’t want to stress her further with making her choose. "Meet me at the bakery at 9:30? That way it's not too early."

Beth's smile returns, genuine and grateful. "That sounds perfect. I'd love that. See you then, Taylor."

"See you, Beth," I reply, waving as she heads off towards the water again.

I spend a few more hours walking along the beach and then people-watching while eating a late lunch at the cafe. I take my time walking back to the house before making myself a coffee with one of the new bags, and then heading to the office to go over all the notes again and add missing details to the wall. Still, nothing is standing out.

Realizing that the cookies distracted my social media stalking the other day, I sit down at the desk with my laptop. Bringing up the popular platforms, I get to work. Now that I have last names I start by searching for each of their profiles.

As suspected I don’t find all of them. The ones I do find are filled with posts about their businesses, presenting a professional front for anyone who might look. Even old lady Gladys has a profile to promote her little grocery store. There are only small and infrequent posts across most of them that are personal. The woman posted the occasional selfie at the beach, while the men posted selfies at Makai’s gym.

It’s late afternoon when my phone chimes with a message, interrupting my thoughts. Glancing at the screen, I see it’s from an unknown sender, sendings a chill down my spine.


I told you not to cover our marks, little shadow. Did you really think a dress was a better idea?

I stare at the message, my heart pounding in my chest. My fingers hover over the screen before I finally respond.

You do not control me or what I wear.