Page 58 of Hide Me Darling


I looked into the images. I’ve sent you what I could find, which isn’t much. Every single one of your suspected victims has what I would call a dubious background. Limited information, some bouncing between homes and streets, some other bad behaviors.

I couldn’t even find all of them, like some never existed. Something made them get on a bus to that island, and I can find the ticket purchase for a couple. There is then no record of them getting off the bus there and certainly no record of them on the island itself, no purchases, no accommodations.

Either they are paying it all in cash with a fake name or the records have been wiped clean and even I can’t find a trace, so someone good with tech, or maybe a conspiracy. Could a group of people be in on it? Law, property rentals, etc? Let me know if you need anything else.

I sit up, ignoring the protest from my aching muscles, and read the message again, my mind racing. Uncle Max is the best when it comes to digging up dirt, and if he's still hitting walls, then something is off on a bigger level.

I quickly type back a response.

Thanks, Uncle Max. It’s very strange. I’ll need to keep digging on my end. Do you think there’s a way to trace the cash payments? I’ve met the person who looks after rentals, she doesn’t seem like the type to wipe records, it would have to be someone else or simply them hiding under fake names or something. But why?

Hitting send, I lean back against the headboard and close my eyes, thinking. But my phone buzzes again, and I see a quick reply.


Like I said, kid, dubious and bad behavior. Something drew them to that island. As for the cash payments, it’s unlikely we will find anything. People use cash for a reason. Stay safe.

I put my phone down and take a deep breath, trying to process everything. The pieces aren’t fitting together, and the more I dig, the more questions I have.

I force myself to stand, ignoring the pain shooting through my body as I make my way toward the bathroom. Piercings feel phenomenal in the moment… but the next day, not so much.

Stepping into the shower I almost moan at the feeling of the water cascading over me, soothing my aching muscles. Seriously, who needs the gym when you can simply have a masked man chase you through a carnival ground, then fuck you so good it hurts.

Because I have to admit it to myself, the fucking is very good. I will be sad if this all leads to me having to take them out for killing innocent people. I will miss their cocks and the way they make me feel like they actually see me.

They talk about me accepting my darkness, but can I accept theirs if they do take innocent lives? The conflict within me churns as I struggle to reconcile the pleasure they give me with the darker realities of the investigation.

For a moment, I let myself relax under the spray, closing my eyes and just enjoying the sensation. I let my mind go blank with no regrets, no murderers, just nothingness as the steam builds in the room.

Reluctantly, when the water starts to grow cold, I step out and dry off, the steam filling the room as I wrap myself in a towel. Reality begins to set in again, and with it comes emotions I’m not ready to face.

Looking down at the cuts and marks on my body, my mind reflects on the message I received the day before. No covering the marks, huh? Surely that doesn’t extend to clothing, I only brought a limited supply afterall, they can’t really punish me for that right? Choosing a sleeveless turtleneck summer dress in a light blue, I am happy with how the look is casual but also beachy. It falls just below my thighs and the blue of it makes my eyes even brighter.

My stomach rumbles, reminding me it’s been too long since I last ate. Deciding to head to the bakery, I make my way downstairs toward the office to get my tablet. The files Uncle Max sent should already be loaded.

Entering the room, I glance at the investigation wall covered with images of the victims, their faces staring back at me. What brought them to this island? What drew them into whatever dark web I seem to have been pulled into? The questions swirl in my mind like a storm threatening to break loose.

It’s already late morning when I start making my way toward the beachfront, the sun is warm against my skin and the gentle breeze carries the scent of the sea. It warms something inside me, deeper than my skin and a smile spreads across my lips naturally.

I thankfully miss the morning rush at the bakery, and the comforting aroma of cinnamon rolls and freshly brewed coffee envelopes me, momentarily easing the weight of my thoughts when I push through the door.

Allegra greets me with a large smile. "Good morning, Taylor!"

"Morning, Allegra," I reply, feeling a twinge of guilt for not reciprocating her enthusiasm because my body hurts and I just need some coffee. She doesn’t seem to mind as she takes my order for a large steaming latte and one of the cinnamon rolls. I choose a table by the window and she soon places my order down in front of me.

I’m grateful she seems to understand I’m not up for conversation today as she quickly retreats to the counter, giving me the space I need. I sip my coffee, savoring the rich flavor as I scroll through the files on my tablet. The faces of the victims continue to haunt me, their stories incomplete and shrouded in mystery.

Uncle Max's findings are frustratingly vague. There are too many gaps, too many unknowns. I flip through the images again, my mind racing with questions. Who had the skill or ability to erase these people from existence?

None of the locals I have interacted with seem to have the computer skills, even Ty said that there is no tech person on the island. But he could be saying that on purpose. Maddie has access to the rental records so could easily erase them, but I don’t see her helping dispose of bodies, but then something about the way Allegra hinted at getting rid of a body made it actually seem possible. They aren’t my masked stalkers, but could one of them be helping them.

The Sheriff and Eli could definitely make someone disappear, both physically and from police files, if I have learned anything from my parents it's how easily corruptible law enforcement can be.

I’m sure Jonah could dumb a body out to sea, but would a fisherman know how to make them disappear digitally? But then the lifeguard Maddie mentioned could also take the bodies into the water, I haven’t even met him but already I want to add him to the list. Would either Telvin or Rye’s businesses have access to a wood chipper to dispose of a body? And could they manipulate the records? Seems doubtful, but not to be dismissed.

Ty certainly knows how to keep a sterile working environment, he could certainly clean up after himself, and he was the one that told me there is no one good with tech on the island. Could that be a cover?