“If I wasn’t a vampire,” he says, “I think you would be piercing my flesh.”
“Sorry.” I let up a little and exhale.
Everything will be all right.
Bianca falls into step on Bran’s other side.
“You’re late,” he says to her.
“Apologies. My father tried stopping me from coming.”
“Don’t make that my problem.”
“It won’t be. I’ve handled it.”
The Renshaw witches line up behind Julian. They’re all in varying shades of black, white, and dark gray. The coven leader—Tabitha—watches me from Julian’s left. Her gaze is penetrating and it makes me shiver. I’ve never had the bad luck of crossing paths with Tabitha until now. They’ve mostly stuck to themselves. The fact that they’ve aligned with Julian makes me wonder what they’re getting out of it.
When we finally enter the Harbor and are out of their prying eyes, I exhale. But the relief is short lived.
I’m used to the Harbor being busy. I mostly only come here when there are parties to attend, so seeing the halls full of people is nothing out of the ordinary. But the two dozen witches and shifters and vampires just lingering in the hall for a routine Pledge is certainly out of the ordinary.
And worse, everyone’s eyes are on me. “There are so many people here,” I whisper to Bran.
“Everyone is ready for a show,” he answers.
We go left, bypassing the onlookers.
The Pledge Hall was added to the Harbor sometime in the fifties. It was constructed as a circular amphitheater with sloping seating on tiers so that everyone in the back can see easily down to the front.
When we enter, we go down to the reserved seating.
The Pledge director, Carl Philmore, greets us with a wide smile. “Jessie! Did you see the turnout today? My god, this must be exciting for you.”
If only he knew.
“Yes, so exciting,” I say as he shakes my hand vigorously.
“We’re just about ready to get started if you are.”
I swallow hard and Bran watches me.
“I’m ready.”
“Great. Excellent.” Carl rubs his hands together and the dry skin rasps. He’s a nice man with a small family in Midnight. He’s not Pledged to anyone, since he’s Pledge Director. He’s a man of the humans, as I’ve heard him say on more than one occasion. “Have a seat,” he tells me, “and we’ll bring the room to order.”
I drop into the padded seating and try not to fidget.
I have several powerful, strong allies on my side.
How can any of this go wrong?
Carl disappears into a side room while my heart races and my hands grow clammy. When he returns in a black robe, much like a judge, my knee starts bouncing. Bran reaches over and grips me reassuringly, and I can barely meet his eyes, afraid that if I do, I’ll start sobbing with nerves and anxiety.
I have to get through this. There’s no way out but through.
“We call to order Pledge number 207 of this year for Jessie MacMahon. Jessie is twenty-one as of today and now eligible to Pledge to a House in Midnight Harbor.”
Behind me, I hear chairs squeaking and clothing rustling and bodies shuffling around as everyone finds a seat and gets settled.