He scowls and starts for his SUV, grumbling the whole way.
Bran drives with me tucked in the back, hidden behind dark tinted windows. Damien is in the passenger seat.
We don’t speak.
I watch the blur of the pack racing through the woods beside us.
My stomach turns into knots the closer we get to the Harbor.
I can get through this.
It’s going to be fine.
Most Pledges are just routine ceremonies. You make your Pledge. You sign some papers. You carry on with your life.
Nothing will be different about mine at all—
Except when we pull into the parking lot outside the Harbor, my heart drops.
It’s packed.
More packed than on any other Pledge Day.
Judging by the number of vehicles and people milling around outside, everyone who matters is here.
“Holy shit,” I say from the back. “Who are all these people? Is there another Pledge today? Maybe ten?”
“No,” Damien answers, “yours was the only one on the schedule.”
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
There is always reserved parking for the Pledgees, so Bran parks along the front of the building.
And standing just outside the entrance is none other than Julian, with half the Renshaw coven beside him.
Episode 51
The Speed of Magic
Seeing Julian makes my stomach twist and my blood turn hot.
There was a time when I thought he was on our side, that he was concerned with our safety and well-being. But after what he did to Kelly, I know that was never true.
Julian Locke is only out for himself and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants.
Once we’re out of the car, Bran offers me his arm and I eagerly take it. Damien steps to my other side and behind me are Cal and Fox. I catch sight of Bianca hurrying up the sidewalk. She’s not wearing heels but sensible tennis shoes with a pleated plaid skirt.
Tennis shoes are always better for running. Is Bianca worried about getting away?
“An escort from the wolves?” Julian calls over to us as we make our way up the main walk. “Bran, I’d think that was beneath you.”
My body goes rigid.
“Do not engage,” Bran says beside me.
“I won’t,” I say beneath my breath, but then grip harder at the crook of his elbow.