“But I’m not your teammate, and this is my business. I don’t want you giving him any more fuel. He’ll come back here and harass me again. Thank God none of my sisters saw what he did.”
When footsteps pound on the sidewalk, both Ethan and I jerk our heads toward Mason. I want to laugh when I see he’s practically jogging in the opposite direction.
“Fucking coward,” Ethan mutters before raising his voice to say, “This isn’t over, Mason.”
Mason doesn’t even turn his head.
“This is over,” I say. “Let me deal with Mason.”
Ethan turns to me, his eyes narrowing on his face. “Why would you care if your sorority sisters saw? I wish they did. They need to know what he’s like so they can protect you from him when I’m not here.” He shakes his head, his eyes growing unfocused. “I can’t believe he grabbed you like that. I knew he was a dick but I never thought he’d—” His gaze snaps to my face. “Has he done something like this before?”
I open my mouth, but the words don’t come.
Why can’t I just admit that Mason’s been violent before? I don’t have to go into detail about the rape.
Yet even a vague explanation might make me cry, and holy fuck, I don’t want to cry. The rape has wreaked enough havoc on my emotions, and Mason doesn’t deserve my tears.
“Look.” I raise my hands. “I don’t want to go into detail, but suffice it to say that I’ve seen his temper before, and I don’t trust?—”
“Holy shit.” Ethan’s huge eyes are fixed on my wrists. He steps forward and grabs my arm. He rubs his thumb over the red welts on my skin. “Oh my God,” he whispers.
With the utmost gentleness, he grabs my other wrist and lifts it up to examine it. When he’s done, he shuts his eyes tightly, his breathing rapid. “I’m going to kill him.” His voice is quiet.
“No, you’re not,” I grit out. “I just want Mason to go away and leave me alone.”
And not just in real life. I want him to leave my head as well. I want to finally accept that I can’t change what happened and move on with my life. I want to become the fun, free, wild Lily again.
Except this version of wild Lily won’t trust men so easily.
“He hurt you.” Ethan’s jaw is so tight it looks like it might snap in two. “He can’t get away with it. I won’t allow it.”
“It’s not up to you what’s allowed. This is my life, and I don’t want any more trouble. Just think of what could happen if we tell people Mason grabbed me. You only threatened to punch him, but Noah doesn’t have nearly as much self-control as you do. He might actually do it.”
Ethan’s mouth drops open. “Are you implying that we’re not even going to tell Noah?”
“Of course not. He has to live with Mason.”
“The fuck he does! He’d move out of that apartment in a second if he knew Mason hurt you. And I wasn’t only talking about telling Noah. I think you need to go to the police, and I’ll come with you. I was a witness.”
Panic grips my chest. “Absolutely not. Are you not hearing me? I want to forget about this. I want to forget about Mason.”
If we went to the police, eventually the whole campus would find out. Every football player on the Hawks is famous at Mission Hills. I’d be under the inspection of thousands of people. Everyone would be picking apart what really happened and pointing fingers at who they think is really to blame for Mason’s assault charge. What if they decide a random girl who no one’s heard of isn’t worth losing their quarterback mid-season? What if they decide to blame me instead?
The thought makes me want to dry heave.
“Lily, this is a big deal. He put welts on your wrists. Why are you brushing this off?”
“I’m not brushing it off. I’m asking you to stop making it all about you.”
His eyes grow pained. He looks like he wants to press me further, but then he takes a step back. “Alright, fine. I promise not to do anything right now, but—” his expression grows stern “—you and I are going to have a talk later.”
I roll my eyes. “Fine.”
He sighs. “Come inside the frat house. I’ll get some ice packs for your wrists.”
“They really don’t hurt that much.”